Whispers & Rumors Part 21

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When Raymond arrived at the office, Glenn was already working furiously away on his pc. He smiled looking up at Raymond. "I see that you've finally gone public with your relationship," he informed Raymond, once he was seated next to Glenn at their reception desk opposite Jackson's office.

"Why would you say that?" Raymond asked in alarm.

"Well, didn't you see the photo? It's quite a big thing." Glenn frowned at the concerned look on Raymond's face. Taking out his phone, he scrolled through the messages on his phone. Handing it over for Raymond to see, it was a photo of him and Jackson holding hands in the restaurant where they'd had breakfast. There was no denying who was who in the photo.

Raymond's heart sank. He thought he'd at least get a few weeks before the gossip, stares and whatever else will start. But within a day? He couldn't help but wonder at the speed of the rumor mill within the company. Sighing he thought, well, this was the bed he'd made, so he'll have to lay in it, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. He will soon find out what the implications are, after his first meeting of the day.

Walking toward the boardroom, he felt nervous, not knowing what to expect. It was an early morning meeting, so Jackson will not attend, allowing Raymond to take charge. Sitting down, he watched as all the other departmental managers filed in. Everybody smiling at Raymond, coming over to chat with him. If they had anything to say about the picture or the gossip, they kept it to themselves, for which Raymond was glad. Maybe he was worried over nothing. Near the end of the meeting, Raymond stood up and buttoned his jacket.

"Thank you for all your hard work," he started, smiling at everybody around the table. "However, what you've just presented to me is outdated and possibly something that we've done before, that we are trying to redo." He waited for his words to sink in. "I expect an updated report, with a full redesign, something that is original, and a re-costing that will not break the bank. You can get it to me by the end of the week." Picking up his tablet, he left the managers confused and shaking their heads at the impossible task they were set. 

Where Jackson is unpredictable and inconsequent, quick to draw his gun; Raymond is cool, calculating, easy to get along with and quick to get people on his side. Everybody knew that when it came to business, Raymond could be just as rigid and unyielding as any other executive. They knew that even if the rumors were true, Raymond still meant business.

On his way back to his desk, he could see people stop to watch him, some whispering. He sighed to himself, this was going to be a terrible day to be at work. To get some peace, he ducked into the nearest bathroom to get his courage together.

"Did you hear the situation with Raymond?" a young man with curly hair asked his friend as they entered the bathroom. Raymond quickly ducked into one of the stalls, listening to their conversation.

"Yeah, so he bagged himself a rich man and the CEO of the company. I knew there was something fishy going on the whole time." His friend pointed out.

"What do you mean?"

"Well obviously he got the job by sleeping with the boss. Why do you think he has so much power in the company?" he looked at his friend in the mirror while washing their hands. "I would also sleep my way to the top if I could. I mean it's worked for Raymond, hasn't it?" he shrugged.

Raymond decided he'd had enough of this conversation. Opening the stall door, he headed over to the sink, seeing both men go a ghostly white from shock at seeing him there.

"You know," Raymond smiled, looking at them in the mirror, "if you have that much time to gossip, maybe we are not giving you enough work?" he raised an eyebrow. "Unless you'd like to come work under my personal supervision, since I have so much power?" he turned around to face both men.

"Sorry, I didn't mean..." the curly haired man started, but Raymond quickly cut him off.

"What I need from you, is to do your work. Not spread malicious stories like a bunch of school kids!" he snapped. "I hope we'll never have to discuss this, because then we'd have a real problem on our hands." Both men just nodded at Raymond and watched as he exited, the door swinging quietly behind him. Both looking relieved that they got off that easy, rushed out of the room as fast as they could. It did not do well to be on Raymond's radar, when he's pissed. How he knew everything that was going on, was a mystery to everybody, but he could sniff shit out like a bloodhound.

By midday, Raymond felt worn out. Normally he wasn't affected by any gossip that goes around. The only thing that was ever said about him, was that he was still single. Now, of course things were different. Sighing, he looked over at Jackson who was oblivious. What he wouldn't give to be deaf to knowing that everybody is whispering about him sleeping his way to the top. 

Turning to Glenn, "I'm going to go home now. You know what to do right?" he didn't really wait for Glenn to respond, before packing his bag.

"Are you okay?" Glenn asked in concern. "Is it because people are talking? It's just that..." he trailed off uncertainly.

"I'm okay, just tired. Anyway, what people say shouldn't get in the way of our work." he smiled. "You'll be okay for the rest of the day, right?"

Glenn nodded. "Want to take a bet on how soon he'll fire me?" he tried to lighten the mood.

"Put me down for an hour, but there will be a death threat within thirty minutes, though." Raymond laughed at Glenn, glad that he was trying to distract him. He was being hopeful, since Jackson didn't seem to mind Glenn as much. He'd even smiled once. Granted it wasn't necessarily a good kind of smile, but it was a start.

"Right, I'll give it thirty minutes, with two death threats!" he laughed outright, waiving Raymond off.

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