The Visit Part 32

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"Jackson! If you don't get out of bed, I'm going to strangle you myself!" Raymond shouted from the bedroom door, after having woken him up three times. It was Sunday and everything had to be perfect. He still didn't know what to expect from this lunch, but he wasn't going to face it alone.

When he got no response, he thought that desperate times called for desperate measures. Climbing back into bed, he immediately started to glide his hand over his body, soliciting a contented moan from Jackson. Well, that didn't help much, Raymond thought moving on to a more direct assault. He placed a gentle kiss on Jackson's mouth, nipping at his lip, before moving down to trail over his jaw and finally settle on his neck.

Jackson's eyes were immediately open, drawing Raymond closer. "Hmmm, that is the best way to wake up in the world." his voice was still sleepy, but at least he was awake.

Raymond immediately jumped out of bed, out of Jackson's reach. "It's Sunday you big lug. Time to get your shit together, cause your parents will be here soon." That immediately got Jackson out of bed.

"I didn't know that you were such a tease." Jackson wasn't impressed with Raymond at the moment.

"There's a lot you don't know about me. So, get yourself sorted and I'll see you downstairs." Raymond was already on his way downstairs, his nerves starting to tie his stomach in knots. He thought of hiding in his office, but that would only lead to more trouble.

He allowed Jackson to open up for them, choosing to hide in the living room. He could hear Jackson's mother comment on the house as they moved to where Raymond stood pacing.

"How can you live in such a tiny space?" she frowned at her son. "This is no better that a student apartment..." her voice trailed off, when they saw Raymond. She immediately came over to hug him, while Jackson's dad lazily waived, with his usual phlegmatic smile, sitting down on the couch.

If they were surprised by Raymond's presence, they didn't show it, but then he reasoned, they've had lunch together before, so they may not even know what's going on. When they were called for lunch, Raymond looked down at his food, unable to eat. Jackson placed his hand on Raymond's thigh to calm him down a bit.

"I hear that your cousin is coming down for a while." his mother noted to Jackson, to which he just frowned. "Now don't start that Jackson, you know how I hate playing referee between the two of you." she said sharply, seeing him grimace.

"At least he won't be staying here." Jackson remarked, still frowning. His cousin was an obnoxious ass, who seemed to take pleasure in causing him grief. To say he hated his guts, would be an understatement.

"Of course he won't! Not when you're living in this disaster." she continued. "Why did you pick this house to stay in?"

"It suits us best." he stated simply, while Raymond shot him a fearful look at the mention of the word us.

"Us?" his mother didn't miss anything, picking up on the same thing.

"Yes mother, us." Jackson gave Raymond's knee a reassuring squeeze. "Raymond and I. Us." Raymond didn't think it was such a good idea to goad her and briefly raised his eyes to see her mouth tighten, her shrewd eyes narrowing, darting between the two of them. He could tell that she wasn't happy. And that's like saying that IT was a movie about a naughty clown. A damn joke because that couldn't be further from the truth. Raymond was scared shitless, just like when he watched the movie.

Instead of the explosion that Raymond was expecting, she just picked up her knife and fork and continued eating as if nothing happened. The rest of the lunch was a very strained affair. Raymond kept shooting Jackson worried looks, who seemed to have lost his smile.

After lunch, Jackson and his mother disappeared into the study, leaving Raymond with his father in the lounge. Raymond was itching to know what they were talking about, while he just played with his coffee cup, not looking at Jackson's dad.

"Jackson! What were you thinking?! Were you even thinking?" She was angry and it showed clearly on her face. Pacing in front of Raymond's desk that had their photos on.

"Mother, please," he tried to reason with her.

"No Jackson! This time you have gone too far! I cannot condone this!" she flung at him, pointing to the framed pictures on the desk. 

Jackson was about to lose his temper. At the start he thought he could rationally speak to her, make her understand their side, but he knew that this was not going to work. But if she kept pushing him, he would have to fight fire with fire. 

"We don't need your permission or approval mother. We're adults and can do as we please!" She was not going to bulldoze over him this time. Raymond was important to him. It felt like that first time he had to fight for him and like last time, he was not backing down.

"Are you intentionally trying to ruin this family, because you are on the right path." she said derisively. "I know that you wanted to keep him on at the company, god knows, I wanted him to stay, but this? This?" she nearly shrieked. "This was your great plan?"

"If you could just let me explain!" Jackson lost his cool with her. 

"There's nothing to explain, Jackson. You will end it and you will do it now." she ordered in a cold voice.

"No mother!"

"Jackson, I will not have this!" she stopped him. "When I told you to ensure that he stays with the company, it was for our best interest. I have nothing against the boy, he's respectful and nice and very astute at what he does, but he's still the help!" Her voice grew louder as she spoke.

"You will stop this silly game that you are playing. It may be best if he is let go earlier, if we want to save our reputation." she closed her eyes briefly, shaking her head at the situation she currently found herself in.

"This is not a game mother!" he shouted at her. "This is much more serious and I will not stop! No matter what you say!"

She looked at him as if she's never seen him before. "He's the help Jackson! He can be replaced like anything else! You should tell him that this was another one of your stupid grand schemes to make him stay and get rid of him or I will!"

"What?!!" Jackson could barely contain his anger. How dare she speak of Raymond that way. Like he was some toy to be thrown by the wayside when they are no longer useful. "Who cares what he is?! How is it that you are so concerned about your reputation and not your son's happiness?" 

"Jackson," she sighed, "You also have to think of the business. How will it look?" she shook her head, her mouth set. "Tell him the truth! Tell him that you were only doing this to make him stay! Tell him it isn't serious, before he starts wanting more!" she snapped at him.

"Jackson, you know this can never work. What happens when you get bored of your new toy?! I will have to come and clean up the mess again!" She started moving toward the door. "End this now, or I will!" she let the threat hang over the room as she opened the door, walking straight into Raymond.

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