Family Business Part 38

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Raymond looked into Jackson's eyes. It seemed like the moment lasted forever, just the two of them, frozen in time. When Jackson leaned in toward him, he didn't know what to do, so he pulled away and out of Jackson's arms.

"I think we should go home now." his eyes didn't quite meet Jackson's.

"Already?" Jackson was disappointed that Raymond pulled away, but he could also understand his reticence. "It's not even that late..." he ran his hand through his hair, frowning.

"I've heard you out Jackson. Give me some make sense of things, okay?" Raymond smiled at him, turning to walk away.

Jackson stared as he walked away. Raymond seemed different. He was still the same Raymond that he'd fallen in love with, but this time it feels like he's lost something, almost as if that sweet boy he'd met, had disappeared. 


A week later, Raymond was taking a break, leaning back in his chair. Jackson had been mulling around in his mind the whole time. He didn't know what to do. Give in and live in his bubble or hold out and leave it all behind. He was afraid, but he was also miserable without that stupid man.

"Eh, Raymond?" Jessica opened the door nervously. A smartly dressed man, with a full entourage had insisted to speak to Raymond. If she was honest, she felt a bit apprehensive to be in his presence, she knew instinctively that this was a man not to toy with and who always got what he wanted. "A Mr. Priestly is here to see you?"

"Really?" his eyes widened in surprise. Jumping up, he rushed out. "Uncle? Did you just come all the way to see me?" he laughed, taking the older man's hand. Damon pulled Raymond into a hug and smiled proudly, patting him on the shoulder.

"Ray! You've started a new job, of course I would visit!" He winked at Raymond with a broad grin. 

"Okay, come on in then, but there's no space for the entourage in my office," he laughed pointing to the six people standing behind Damon.

"They're only for show." Damon whispered to Raymond with a grin and stepped into his office.

"It's nice to see you again Uncle. I'm sorry I haven't been around sooner." Raymond smiled at Damon Priestly who had given him his first job, while he was in high school and taught him a great deal of things. 

"Hmm," he nodded at Raymond. "Yes, I thought I'd come to you, since you're neglecting me." Damon put on a pained expression. "How's Layla and your dad doing?" he asked looking concerned.

"Dad is still the same." He sighed in resignation. "I've almost got enough money to find him a better, permanent place." Almost there he thought to himself with a smile. "And Layla is still Layla. She's graduating soon and then on to her internship. I'll ask her to come down and visit." he grinned. For one guy, he didn't do too bad.

"You always amaze me Ray. I don't understand why you never wanted to work for me when you left school. You have so much talent" he shook his head. "But don't you think I could help out a little? A gift for Layla's graduation?" he smiled warmly.

"Thank you Uncle, but no. I'm almost there. I've come this far and that keeps me going. You understand don't you?"

Damon laughed, "I have to respect you Ray. A weaker man would have caved a long time ago." From the first day he'd met Raymond, he felt a connection to the skinny boy, who seemed determined to do everything himself, even if it killed him. Raymond had always been like that, he thought. He would never accept any of the money that Damon offered to help, instead he just took on extra jobs to earn more money. 

"I'm sure you didn't come all the way here to scold me for not visiting?" Raymond smiled, knowing that Damon rarely came into the city, unless it was important.

"You've got me there kid." he laughed in delight. Leaning forward he said in earnest, "Just as sharp as ever! I need that sharp mind of yours again. I want you to find something for me."

"Find something? Uncle, you have a whole team of people who can find you anything in the world." he was about to laugh at the idea, when a thought suddenly struck him. "Unless..." Raymond trailed off, frowning at his uncle.

"Yes, You're the only one I trust who can do this. What do you say?" Damon watched Raymond's face. He knew he could trust Raymond with his deepest secrets. They had helped each other through many things and Raymond was part of his family. He could be just as stubborn as hell, like the rest of them.

"Are you sure?" Raymond knew he was stepping into a possible mine field. Family succession within the company was important and if there was a loose canon, it could spell trouble. 

For Damon to ask him this, meant that there was serious trouble brewing for the family. He's always been there for him and respected the fact that Raymond didn't want his money or charity. But this was more than business, if things went wrong, they could go horribly wrong.

"I have my suspicions, but I'm hoping that I'm wrong." He shook his head "What do you say Ray, will you help an old man?"

"You're not so much of an old man!" he laughed. "Of course. I could never say no to you, I'm too afraid you'd tell Auntie."  Soon his face turned serious though. "How long do I have?" he asked.

"About two months? You will work from our plant near the harbor. All the information I have points to that. We need to be very discreet." he warned. He slid a brown envelope over to Raymond. These are your papers, hostel card and cash. You know the drill don't you?" he asked as Raymond took it from him.

"Only cash, no phone, no contact. Everything is already in my room?" he knew the drill well. Cards left traces, phones can be tracked and hacked and contact can only be made through a burner phone that could only be used once. He would have four very specific styles of clothes to make him blend in along with whatever was needed to make changes to his appearance. 

"Yes," he smiled. "Sorry your accommodation is not going to be grand, but you need to disappear and try and find me what I need."

"Don't worry, I'll find what you're looking for, if it's there." he nodded.

"Now, tell me about this young man you're seeing?" Damon changed the topic.

"What?!" Raymond sat up straighter in his chair. "Did you have me followed?"

"No, no. Why do you always think the worst of me? Friends talk, that's all." he shrugged. "Now what about this boy?

"I don't know, Uncle. I don't know if I can believe his story. I think he's telling the truth and that maybe we should be together, but I also don't know if it's a lie." He rocked slightly in his chair, not looking at his uncle.

"Has he ever lied to you?"

"Eh, no." Raymond couldn't think of anytime Jackson had lied to him, well, not after that first time. And he certainly regretted that.

"Then you have your answer don't you?" he smiled at Raymond who still had a frown on his face. "Liars and cheats are all the same. Once they start, they think they can't be caught. You've caught enough for me to know that." With that, he got up and hugged Raymond. "Thank you Ray. You should bring him around as well and let me know what you find." he patted Raymond's shoulder before leaving.

Raymond laughed at Jessica's face, that was caught between shock, awe and fear. Damon Priestly brought all those emotions out in people who don't know him well. He does give off an ominous aura.

Being away from the office for two months was not so much of a problem with Raymond. His schedule now was flexible enough to accommodate the time away. He still didn't know what to do about Jackson though. What his uncle had said made sense and he's never been wrong before, but that didn't help much. He still didn't know what to do.

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