Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 11

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    Homecoming was a blast! I was disappointed when the DJ explained that there were only three more songs left. I was enjoying dancing with Alex, except for slow dancing. Don’t get me wrong, they were fun it’s just that Mr. Jameson was watching us intensely. I couldn’t tell if it was jealousy, or maybe he was silently critiquing our dancing. Either way it made me feel nervous. They even played Jay Sean’s ‘Down’ and half the dance squad took over the dance floor and did our dance, I laughed as other students tried to repeat our moves.

     I let go of Max and said. "I have to pee." I know, very romantic, huh? Well, it would be even less romantic if I peed all over the dance floor.

     Max laughed. "Alright, I'll go get us some punch."

     I glanced at the punch bowl behind Max and saw Jordyn's date pouring the last bit of his vodka bottle in it. I looked at what the chaperones were doing and noticed half of them were gone, leaving one side preoccupied by talking amongst themselves. Probably assuming no one will do anything since the dance is almost over, "I think we should pass on that."

     Max looked at the punch and went to go join Hunter after kissing me on the cheek. I met Mr. Jameson's eyes and walked to the bathrooms.

     I threw the towel that I was drying my hands with away and walked out of the bathroom. The gymnasium is not connected to the school, on the outside anyway. But when you walk inside there is two balconies that people play small sports on during P.E, over-looking the bigger gym. Then there was a set of stairs that lead down to the tunnel that leads into the basement of the school, underground. Finally there was a door, in the part of the tunnel that led to the main gym. The bathrooms were in the tunnel, closed off from the gym. I turned the corner and bumped into someone.

     I cursed in my head as I looked into those chocolate brown eyes, which made me involuntary melt for. "Hey, Robyn."

     "Oh look, he can talk again." I muttered harshly. I didn't like being rude to people, let alone teachers, and that's why I turned on my heel and walked the opposite way.

     "Robyn, wait." I froze in my step and listened as Mr. Jameson approached me from behind. "I'm sorry if I haven't talked to you in a while; I have other things to do."

     I spun around quickly. "I'm sorry if I was such a burden to your schedule. Maybe I'll get a different driving instructor and I'll just quit the dance team, just so I won't keep you from your life."

     "Robyn," His frown lightened. "That's not what I want. You’re a great driver… now, and it’s my job to teach you. On the dance team, you're one of the best, so of course I don't want you to quit that."

     I took a step closer. There was no way I was going to let my guard down that easily. "What’s done is done. You won't be seeing me on Monday at practice."

     I turned to walk away, but Mr. Jameson caught my arm. "Why don't you grow-up for one second and accept the fact that the attention wasn't on you for once?!"

     The muscles in my arm tensed. Mr. Jameson's eyes flickered to my arm for a slight second. I jerked it away roughly before saying. "I hate being the center of attention and if you knew me at all you would know that."

     "I know you well enough to know you’re not who you pretend to be."

     I froze. Everything stopped in my body. I swear my heart stopped for a few seconds. "What are you talking about? I have never pretended to be anything I wasn't."

     "You grew up in a big city. You don't fit in this little hick town." His words came out like venom.

     "So what if I'm from a big city? You don't know what it was like there; you don't know why I moved. So, I didn't fit in there and I guess I don't here, either. That doesn't mean I'm pretending to be someone I'm not."

     I turned around and started towards the door. I felt Mr. Jameson grab my hand and slowly turn me around. "I didn't mean it. I didn’t mean any of it. I’m scared, Robyn, of what will happen if we continue this. I mean you will end up graduating, getting your diploma. And me? I’ll be given three meals a day and an orange jumpsuit. I guess I am just trying to do anything in my power to deny my feelings for you.”

     My eyes widened for a second before I said. "And what might those feelings be?"

     He stepped forward and said. "I think it would be better if I show you."

     Before I could show any sign that I wanted to kiss him or not, he kissed me. I closed my eyes and felt Mr. Jameson's hand reach my right cheek. I looped my fingers in his belt loops and closed the barely visible gap between us. His lips were soft and warm. I felt as his tongue glided over my bottom lip. I was opening my mouth, when I heard the gym doors open. Mr. Jameson and I flew apart. I looked at the door and saw a girl run out crying. She ran up the stairs and out of sight.

     I laughed lightly and said. "I should be getting back before Max starts to worry."

     "Yeah, don't want to upset the boyfriend." He said with a hint of disappointment.

     I kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry. I'll see you Monday for class." With that I walked into the gym to find Max.

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