Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 14

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    "I think it’s been longer than five minutes." I complained to Jordyn. I was in dance practice and for our warm-up we had to run for a solid five minutes around the gym.

     I saw Jordyn look in Coach Jameson's direction and said. "Well no wonder he forgot about us, he is over there flirting with Ms. Conner."

     "What?!" I asked a little loudly and quickly, but I looked in Mr. Jameson's direction and sure enough, he was talking to Ms. Conner, whether they were flirting or not, I didn't know, but it still made me jealous. "No, they're not."

     "Why are you so defensive?" Jordyn asked elbowing me in the ribs.

     Before I could answer, coach called us over to the front of the gym. "Mr. Conner and I were just discussing next week. Since she so kindly accepted the chaperone duty, we will be attending the state tournament next week." People shrieked in excitement. "We will have to leave on Friday during third period, as a team, but sorry to disappoint you guys, I won’t be riding out there on the bus. I have a coaches meeting after school and have to attend. I'll leave after that, as for you all after second hour you guys will meet in front of the gym and Ms. Conner will be there. Anyway, enough about that we can talk about it later. Let us practice."


     Later that night, I was getting ready for my date with Max. Jordyn was at my house helping. I still have not asked my mom if I could go to the tournament, but I know she will let me. I hope.

     "Mom!" I waited for a reply for a second, and then yelled again. "Where are ya?"

     "Hold on, I'm in the bathroom." She said.

     I made a disgusted face and muttered. "Gross."

     "Oh please, like you never use the bathroom." My mom said as she walked out of the restroom.

     "Me?" I said dramatically. "Never! I’m a lady; we only use those for powdering our noses."

     She rolled her eyes. "What did you want?"

     "The dance team has a tournament next weekend, is it okay if I go? We leave Friday, come back Sunday night."

     "Friday as in after school, right?"

     I bit my lower lip. "Not exactly, more along the lines of during third hour."

     She sighed. "You know how I feel about you missing school." She doesn’t like it at all. I had a hundred degree fever once and she still made me go to school.

     "Mom, please!" I begged. "I promise I'll stay after school and learn everything I missed and then some."

     "I'm afraid the answer is no." If I wasn't so mad, I would have noticed that she really felt bad for telling me no.

     I stomped up to my room like a five year old girl who just got told they couldn't have the delicious looking candy in the store.

     "I'm not going to be able to go to the tournament." I told Jordyn as I walked into my room.

     Jordyn frowned. "We need you."

      “I know. I'll think of something." I heard a knock at the door. "But right now I have a date."

     I rushed into the living room, trying to beat my mother to the door. She won.

     "Dang it," I said as she opened the door.

     "Hello Max."

     "Hey, Ms. Wright, how are you today?"

      My mom ignored his question. "How many times do I have to tell you, it's Elizabeth."

    I rolled my eyes. "Goodbye, Elizabeth. Make sure you feed Jordyn." I said making Jordyn sound like a pet.

     I walked out the door before my mom even had a chance to say anything back.


     "So are you excited for this tournament?" Max asked. I was going to tell him I wasn't going, but he continued to talk. "It's a weekend with you and no parents."

     "But there is supervision." I countered.

     Max laughed. "Only Mr. Jameson and Ms. Conner and I bet they will be too busy rocking it up in their room to notice."

     This hurt me. I didn't show it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. "I don't think they will be doing anything. She is not Mr. Jameson's type."

     Max gave me a questioningly look. "Then what is his type, Robyn?"

     Underage teenage girls that just so happens to be his students. "I don't know he just doesn't look like he would go for Ms. Conner."

     "Anyway..." I think he was getting a little uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going. "Are you excited?"

     I bit my lower lip. "I wish I could be. My mom won't let me miss school. She said no."

     Max gave me a disapproving look. "Convince her. Do anything you can."

     "You don't think I tried? I really want to go, but my mom has her mind set. As long as school is being missed, I can't go."

     "That sucks."

     "You’re telling me. Without me, you'll be partner-less."

     Max reached over and grabbed my hand. "It'll be fine. We'll figure something out."

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now