Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 4

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The next morning I met up with Jordyn in front of the school doors. "You ready for this?" She asked me. I really hoped that Jordyn made the team. Without her, I don't even thing I could be on there. I would most definitely not have the courage to dance in front of a bunch of people if she wasn't there by my side supporting me.

I nodded. Although I already had a pretty good idea that I had made the team, it was still exciting to actually see my name on that list.

We budged our way through the massive crowd. There it was my name, in between Mia Wills and Justin Zach. Jordyn squealed as she discovered her name. We jumped up and down, doing a girly scream. "We made the team." We chanted over and over.


When Driver's Ed came around, I found myself feeling more and more excited. I waited in the classroom glancing at the door every five seconds. Finally two minutes after the bell sounded, Mr. Jameson's head appeared in the doorway.

His smile was broad. "Are you ready to actually drive today?"

Yesterday, I didn't get to drive, because he had to go through the rules of the road. I bobbed my head up and down with a sense of excitement, "I hope so." I better be considering I pressured my mom into letting me go driving with her last night, so I could be an even better driver than I thought I was.

He tossed me the car keys. "I hope so too, because I'll be the one in the car with you."

"Hey!" I laughed.

As we walked out into the parking lot, Mr. Jameson cleared his throat. "So, did you check out the dance team list?"

I grinned. "Yes."

"Was there a certain someone's name on it?" He stopped once we reached the car, a smile creeping on his face.

I smiled wider. "Yes!" I stepped towards him, and then paused. "Is it alright if I hug you again?"

He laughed and held open is arms. "Sure."

I walked into his outstretched arms and wrapped my own arms around his waist. "Thank you so much."

I could feel his chuckle in his chest. "You deserved it Robyn." We stood there, in each other's arms for a few seconds and I felt like he would never let go of me. What scared me is that I didn't really want him to. "You did all the work."

But I knew he had to so I pulled away gently. I felt his hands pass along my shoulders as mine slid off his waist. I looked up at him, my heart drumming a rapid rhythmic melody in my chest. His eyes were set under half closed eye lids and his lips were pinched into a thoughtful line. His face was just inches away from mine. The urge to kiss him was even stronger than it was yesterday.

I bit my lower lip. "Should I start the driving now?"

He blinked his brown eyes coming back into focus. "Yeah, she's all yours."


I pulled into the school's parking lot, slowly. As I parked, I looked over at Mr. Jameson. He was staring ahead, eyes wide hands bracing himself against the center console and the handle above the passenger window. Ok, so maybe I lied and I wasn't the best driver, I mean I am from New York. Small town's people probably drive a little different than us. But I'm sure he's had worse than me. He got out of the car and started walking towards the school. I turned the car off, locked it, and followed behind him.

"So, how was I?" I asked inside the classroom.

It looked like he was trying to hold in a smile. "Um... Practice makes perfect?"

"Was I really that bad?" I laughed, signaling to him to know it was ok to make fun of me.

He grinned. "Let's see: you hit a squirrel, ran over three curbs, and ran a stop sign, twice." He had counted on his left hand as he listed all of my faults.

"First of all, that squirrel had it coming. Second, haven't you heard of a curb check? And as for the stop sign, we didn't get hit, now did we?"

He laughed. "You sure are something else, Robyn."

A blush appeared on my cheeks. I looked at the floor and waited for Mr. Jameson to dismiss me.

"See ya later Robyn. Don't forget about practice tonight."

I waved as I exited the room and made my way to the cafeteria for lunch.

I spotted my mom talking to Jordyn at our table. I made my way over when Jordyn asked. "So, how was your date with Mr. Sexy?"

My mom gave me a weird look. "Who is Mr. Sexy?"

"No one mom. Don't you have to get back to work?" I said pleading she would forget all about this.

Instead, she turned to Jordyn, knowing all too well that she would spill the juicy information of the non-existing relationship between 'Mr. Sexy' and me, "Mr. Jameson. They have the hot's for each other."

"A teacher? Robyn, you do know that is illegal, right?"

"Mom! Nothing is happening between Mr. Jameson and I."

She gave me a disapproving look, before going back to work.

"Thanks a lot Jordyn." I said as we got in line to get our food.

She laughed. "Come on your mom's cool. My dad will flip if he found me even looking at a guy, let alone a teacher." She was right. Her dad was a strict Puerto Rican father, she couldn't even sneeze without him knowing what time and who she was with when it happened. It made my mom look like a parent that lets her child do anything they very well please.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now