Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 9

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    The next day I dressed in denim jeans and a baby blue t-shirt. I threw on my blue and white converses and followed my mom out the door.

     After the whole gym incident, I didn’t bother to go to Jordyn’s. I knew she was upset about it, her thirteen missed calls told me that. Instead of calling my mom yesterday to pick me up, I just decided to walk home.

     As I was home alone yesterday, I had a lot of time to think things through and every time Mr. Jameson popped into my mind, it was always the memory of him saying 'It can't happen again.' That was when I knew I found my sign.

     In speech class, I wrote a note to Max. There was no way I could tell him this to his face. I was signing my name, when the teacher took it away. I tried to slam my hands on top of it to stop him from grabbing it. I felt my cheeks redden as the teacher started reading it.

     He chuckled before ripping it in half and telling me to pay attention in class. I looked behind him as a blonde haired girl passed her best friend a note. I rolled my eyes, but kept my mouth shut.

     In second hour, I finished writing my second attempt of the note and in third hour, I let Jordyn read it.

     "You can't give this to him!"

     I yanked it out of her hands and started to re-read it for the fifth time. "Why not?"

     "It's embarrassing. You said, 'the way we dance, I think makes us complete.'"

     I scrunched my eyebrows together and said. "No, I didn't!"

     "Well, you should have. Why can't you just tell him? You already know how he feels."

     I sighed. "But I think he thinks I hate him now."

     The bell rang and I slowly made my way down the hall towards the history hallway.

     By the time I walked into the classroom, the bell rang. I took my seat next to Max and stood quiet, waiting for him to speak first.

     If I keep waiting then no one is going to talk. I thought as I laid my head on my bag with a huge sigh.

     "Max?" I called, slowly turning my head to look at him. His brown eyes looked down at me, waiting for me to continue. "I'm sorry about yesterday..."

     He cut me off. "Forget all about it. It’s okay, as long as we're just friends." The ending looked like it hurt him to say it.

     "That’s the thing. I don't want to be just friends. I want more."

     His face lit up. "Are you serious?"

     I nodded. He hugged me tightly. When he released the hug, he kept his arm lightly around my shoulder and listened to the teacher.

     I was making the right decision, right?


     I may not have known what my feelings were telling me to do, but I did know one thing for sure, I was not looking forward to Driver's Ed. Max kindly walked me to class. He had 'A' lunch, which meant he had lunch now and not with me.

     There is three different lunches; A, B, and C. 'A' is the first lunch of the day starting to eleven. 'B' was a little more complicated, if someone had 'B' lunch, they would go in the middle of their fifth hour class. If they had a test in that class, most of the classes ended up either going to ‘A’ or ‘C’ lunch instead. Then there was 'C' lunch. That was my lunch. The last lunch of the day, a lot of the times, the lunch ladies run out of food to feed the rest, so students better get there early. Lucky for me, my mom is a lunch lady and she always saves Jordyn and me something to eat.

     "I'll see ya at practice." Max said. He hugged me and left.

     I turned on my heel and walked into the classroom. Mr. Jameson wasn't in there. I was relieved. Maybe he won't show.

    The door creaked open. Damn.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now