Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 6

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    The day I have been waiting for has come. Thursday. I woke up and knew automatically that it was going to be a great day. I threw on my favorite outfit: a black shirt with a pink skill up next to the heart and pink boy shorts.

    After putting a light touch of make-up on, I got in the passenger seat of my mom's car. She must have seen how happy I was because she asked. "Why are you so happy today?"

    Smiling at her, I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know why. I just am." She didn’t question me any further than that.


    I walked into my third hour class and sat next to Jordyn. "Hey Jordyn. What's up?"

    "You haven't heard the news, yet?" She asked in shocked.

    I looked around the room as if to find the answer painted on one of the walls. "No?"

    "Oh. My. God." I grabbed my pencil and notebook out of my bag to prepare myself for class, while Jordyn continued. "Max is going to ask you out!"

    The pencil fell out of my hand, because of the shock of what she just told me. I picked it up and faked a smile. "That’s great."

    Thankfully the teacher walked in at that point. It’s not that I don't like Max, I do, but I just don't like him like enough to be boyfriend material. Max has the looks and personality, it’s just, I was waiting for someone else. Someone I couldn't have. A teacher.

    "Ms. Wright?" I heard my Spanish teacher called.

    I shook my head and said. "Yeah?"

    "Are you going to give your response to my question?"

    I looked at him for a while and finally asked. "Are you going to repeat it?"

    He rolled his eyes and called on someone else, who said something along the lines of ‘My biggest fear is clowns’. I groaned and continued with the thoughts in my head.

    Spanish class, of course, had to come to an end, too soon. Next hour I had to deal with the Max situation.

    I took my normal seat right next to Max. I didn't want him to know, that I knew. Also, I didn't want things to be too awkward between us considering that we have to dance close to each other almost every day. "Hey Max. How’s your day going?"

    His emerald green eyes stared down at me. There was an extra twinkle in his eyes today. I liked it. For some reason it mesmerized me. "It’s good now. Robyn, I have a question to ask ya."

    I bit my bottom lip. Here it goes. "Shoot."

    "Do you have a date to homecoming?" I shook my head. There was no point in lying. "Would you want to go with me?"

    There was no way Mr. Jameson would ask me to, even if he did somehow like me. Max would be one of my three choices. -The third being not to go at all-. Out of those three, one was going to occur. I put on the biggest smile, possible. "I would love to."


    I pulled out my American history folder, which had a white kitten with a top hat that looked like one Abraham Lincoln would wear, and waited for the bell to ring.

    As the teacher rambled on about the Great Depression, I found a folded piece of paper on my desk. I unfolded it as quietly as I could. It read:

You know you don't have to go to homecoming with me.

    I smiled and wrote:

I know. Of course I want to go with you. I wouldn't want to go with any other student, besides you.

    I didn't lie. I was telling the truth. I just didn't say I wanted to go with our coach.

That’s good. So what’s your favorite movie?

    And that’s how it went. I found out a lot about Max. He is a junior and the reason he was in American History -a sophomore class-, was because he didn't try to hard last year and that made his grades suffer. He is also into most sports, but dancing and football are his favorite. His dad is very successful and makes enough money to have his wife be a stay at home mom.

    Two minutes before the bell, I started packing up my school supplies, when Max passed me the note back:

Are we official? Yes Or No.

    My heart sank. I could say yes and take the chance of not being with Mr. Jameson. Or I could say no and run the chance of being single the rest of my life, waiting for Mr. Jameson. Ugh, I hate guys.

    I grabbed my pen and circled 'Or.' Underneath it, I wrote:

I'll give you my answer tomorrow.

    With that I walked out of the classroom, not even looking at what Max's facial expression was.

    I felt like a horrible person. I turned someone down that liked me. Back in New York, I never had this problem. I was the outcast and here, I actually fit into a group. As of right now, I'm not quite sure I like it.

    I met up with Jordyn as she walked with me to Driver's Ed. I wasn't sure what to expect. All I kept seeing in my head was what Max's face could have looked like. Most of the facial appearances I kept experiencing in my head were with him and a very sad face. It didn't help that Jordyn was asking me twenty questions, ending the interrogation with: "So what did you say?"

    Before walking into the classroom, I said, "Or," then closed the door on her confused face. I fully expected her to open the door and ask me in front of Mr. Jameson, but she didn't, thankfully.

    The bell rang, indicating that class has started. I was really happy that Jeremiah was not in class. Maybe things will clear up for me.

    Please, just give me a sign to help me choose the right guy. I thought before getting in the car.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now