Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 16

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    "Turn in your permission slip." Coach Jameson called to the team on Thursday, the day before we leave for the tournament.

     I crossed my arms over my stomach and held my head low. I heard everyone around me talking about how much fun this trip will be. Mr. Jameson's voice was louder than anyone else around me. "Robyn? Where is your permission slip?"

     "I can't go." I mumbled.

     Of course he didn't hear me. "What was that?"

     "I can't go." I said close to yelling.

     "Why can't you go?" He sounded a little mad.

     "My mom doesn't want me to miss school."

     He dismissed the team to go get dressed. As I was about to walk away, he called me back. "I want to talk to you."

     I sighed and walked over to the bleachers. "Yes?"

     "Sit down." He said gesturing to the empty seat next to him.

     Unwillingly, I sat down. "What if you don't miss school, can you go then?"

     I shrugged. "I guess so, but isn't the team supposed to leave together?"

     "Well yeah... but I am sure that they won’t care if you aren't there for a couple hours."

     "One more question." I said, not knowing if the answer was supposed to be obvious or not to me. "How will I be getting there?"

     "Me, of course." He said with a 'duh' expression. He looked around the gym before placing a kiss on my cheek.

     I glanced up at the corner of the gym. "You know there are cameras in here."

     He laughed. "No one looks at those." Mr. Jameson took both of my hands in his and leaned in to kiss me square on the lips. I moved closer to him and he let go of my hands and placed them on my hips. The kiss was amazing. It was going great, until...

     "Am I interrupting something?"

     Mr. Jameson and I flew apart. I released a sigh of relief when I saw Jordyn walking towards us from the opposite side of the gym. "Don't worry she knows." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear, which was a little loud, considering he was practically on the other side of the bleachers.

     "Are you ready to go?" She asked after a moment of silence.

     I looked over at Mr. Jameson. He was hunched over, gorilla style, fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, my mom should be here already. See ya later, Coach."

     He just merely waved. Great. He's mad. Thanks a lot, Jordyn!

     "It is about time girls. I was about to leave you two." My mom said before driving away from the parking lot.

     I just simply muttered an apology and turned the radio up not caring that I didn’t even change out of my dance uniform.


     "Did you get your permission slip signed?" Mr. Jameson asked me as I met him by the gym door.

     "...And if I didn't?" I asked him folding my arms over my chest.

     "Looks like we're just going to have to break another rule."

     I stuffed my hands in my coat pocket. "My philosophy is that rules are just a suggestion."

     We walked to his car, which was parked in the back of the teacher's parking lot. Mr. Jameson's car was a black Honda civic. The inside was nice and clean. I threw my duffle bag into the back, pulled a folded piece of paper out and tossed it into Mr. Jameson's lap before sitting in the passenger seat.

     "What’s this?"

     "Permission slip, didn't know if you still wanted me to get it signed, so I did anyway."

     He placed it in a compartment under the radio. "You're such a good student."

     I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and drive." I turned on the radio and we sat there in silence.

     After thirty minutes of the quiet circling around us, I turned down the commercial on the radio and asked, “Why are you being so quiet?”

     The turn signal blinked five times as he slowly sped up to change into the left lane, “Am I being quiet?”

     I raised my eyebrow, “Yeah, you haven’t spoken a word since we left. Hence, you’re being non-talkative.”

     I watched as Mr. Jameson gripped the steering wheel, tighter and tighter. By his obvious body language, I knew he was holding something in. Something he didn’t, under any circumstances, want to talk about right now. Despite it all, he asked, “how many people have you mentioned us to?”

     “What are you talking about?” I thought about the question, “are you talking about with Jordyn? ‘Cause she won’t tell anyone, she swore to it. Pinky promised even, it’s against the law if you break one of those.”

     Mr. Jameson pinched the bridge of his nose, “What we are doing can get both of us in trouble, especially me. I can’t tell anyone about this, which means you can’t either.”

     “I’m sorry, I only told her. No one else I swear. Can we drop this now, I am starting to regret asking what was wrong.”

     My head turned out the window, feeling even more terrible then I did when the car was silent. I felt a tight squeeze on my leg and saw Mr. Jameson smiling at me. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the corner of my mouth.

     Mr. Jameson returned his gaze back to the highway in front of him and asked with a smile. "Why did you choose dancing? Why not volleyball or basketball?"

     "Basketball is a terrible sport in my opinion. The volleyball team is full of snobs and I'm too short to play, or else I would be going for that. Dancing, however, no one judges you on your height or your body size in general, just on your dancing." He let out a laugh. "And plus, all those sports don't have a cute coach, like the dance squad does." I watched as he swerved through the lanes and passed a semi. "Where exactly are we going for this tournament?"

     Mr. Jameson did a dramatic fake gasp. "Did you not read your permission slip?"

     "Nope." I said shrugging. "You just told us to get it signed, nothing about us reading it."

     "Maybe you aren't such a great student, after all." I placed my hand over my heart and pretended to be offended. "We're going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

     "Now was that so hard?"

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now