Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 29

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     "How's your dancing coming along?"

     I glanced at him a little confused on why he was asking me this. First, the dancing season is over and second, he isn't my dance instructor anymore. "Umm... O.K."

     "That's it? Just O.K.?"

     "Well, I can't exactly say I'm good."

     "What are you having problems with?"

     I ran the dance routine through my head. "The part where my partner and I do that one dance move, when he comes up from behind and we dance together. I'm used to dancing solo; therefore I mix up my moves with his. I just played it off like I knew what I was doing at the tournament."

      Mr. Jameson stood up, took my Dairy Queen Ice cream, and went over to stick it in the freezer. "Come on, I'll help you out with it."

     "You will?"

     "I was your dance coach," He reminded me. "It's what I do."

     We pushed away the coffee table and the couch to the edge of the living room, giving us enough space to move around.

     "Take the starting position." He instructed while skimming through the iPod.

     I did as I was told and a few seconds later, 'What’cha Say' by Jason DeRulo was playing.

      Mr. Jameson and I danced side by side and I thought I was doing pretty good until it was reaching towards the end. When the lyrics: 'Girl tell me what’cha say, I don't want you to leave me, though you caught me cheating,' Came on, at the very beginning, my partner (which, obviously, was Mr. Jameson) had to grab my wrist as if trying to stop me while I 'walked away’. Then I would have to tug my hand away, but when the lyrics repeated for the second time, he would grab me again and pull me to him, until my back was against his chest. Both of his arms would circle around my waist and I would lean my head on his shoulder and tilt it to the right, as if I was giving in. The last move was me turning slowly in his arms until my hands rested on his shoulders and the two of us would stare 'deeply' into each other’s eyes until the song ended.

     It's bad enough doing this with Max as my partner, but now I was doing this with Mr. Jameson.

     The first part, I managed, but when his arm went around me, I just froze.

     "Robyn?" His voice was in my ear.

     "Yeah?" I squeaked.

     "Why'd you stop? You were doing so well."

     I shrugged. "I don't know." But I did know. His touch sent fire though me.

     He released me and I was able to breathe again. He paused the song and walked back to me.

     "A guy moves more differently." He explained, "Less grace than a girl." He took me by the waist again. "You should know when each move is coming by the words and beat of the song. Now, while the girl moves with grace," He began to swing my hips from side to side. "The guy - and I'm not going to lie to you- moves with want, especially when he's with a girl." He walked to the iPod and played 'Down' by Jay Sean. "Remember this dance?"

     I nodded. "Yeah."

      He paused it again and looked at me. "Alright show me how you really dance. Using none of my moves that I taught you, show me how you would dance with someone at a party or something. Don't hold back, I'll see if I can catch up. Just pretend I wasn't your teacher." He started the music again and waited for me to make a move.

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now