Rules Are Just A Suggestion Chp. 1

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    Stepping outside into the cold New Jersey air, was a lot different than stepping out into the New York air back home. Compared to Brooklyn’s, this air smelled a lot cleaner. I, on the other hand, would still enjoy the nasty aroma of Brooklyn over this.

    Not only was it my first day at school, but it was my first day at my new school. We just moved from Brooklyn, with a population of over eight million it seemed like, to a small town in New Jersey, called Allenhurst. Population: seven-hundred eighteen. I know, big change, but things just weren't working out in New York. Now, because of it, my mom has a crappy job, I had to leave all my friends, and I had to try and fit in with a bunch of small town people who know about everything that goes around in everybody’s life.

    I walked back inside, threw on the outfit that I picked out last night. When I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, use the bathroom, and apply a touch of eyeliner to help accentuate my blue eyes, I looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair lays flat and pencil straight reaching the middle region of my back. The light blue shined brightly from my eyes through the eyeliner. The black shirt showed off the curves of my upper body, while the baggy white jeans showed that I also didn't care what people thought. I slipped my black and white converse on before walking downstairs.

    "I'm ready, Mom." I announced as I found her taking a bite out of her cinnamon and raisin bagel.

    "Let’s go." My mom said, grabbing her purse and walking off.

    As my mom drove to my new school, I looked at her with sorrow. Although it didn't show on her face, she was depressed. Her ex-husband -my dad- left her for an eighteen year old girl. That means she's only three years older than me! Word got around and my mom did not like it. Her blonde hair, in a way, reminded me of mine, but her dull brown eyes didn't resemble my eyes at all. Her nice, curvy body was covered up by the ugly black work uniform that her new job required her to wear. Back home, she would have stood proudly as a stay at home mom.

    We pulled into an empty parking space near the front of the school and I got out. My mom slowly followed suit. She just so happens to work as the lunch lady here at Allenhurst High School. "I'll meet you by the car after school." I nodded.

    I separated from her and went to go find my locker, which just had to be in the basement. However that didn't help, considering most of my classes were on the main floor and upstairs. Checking my school schedule, I saw that I had: Speech, Geometry, Spanish, American History, P.E., Business, and finishing the day off with Chemistry. I slammed the empty locker shut, realizing that I wouldn’t be able make it back at all during the school day, and walked to my first hour getting there five minutes after the bell rang.

    My first hour was speech class. It was your typical class: old teacher rambling on about anything and everything, while students passed notes to each other giggling about something that they would only understand.

    Second hour was geometry class. That class was filled with very smart people. They all paid close attention to the board, where a short scrawny man stood bravely, teaching about the Pythagorean Theory.  I was already taught this lecture they were going over, considering that just weeks before I moved here, we were in the same lecture.

    Third hour I made my first friend in New Jersey. Her name’s Jordyn Taylor. I soon found out that she has three other classes with me. We didn’t really talk much considering that the Spanish teacher is a complete douchebag and expects me to speak only Spanish on my first day of school. I was relieved to have a friend, even if I did barely know her. Judging by the forty five minutes spent sitting next to her, we were complete opposites. Her black hair and tan skin, made me pale in comparison with my natural blonde hair and pale skin. If I try to tan my skin it just results in my skin turning bright red and ends up peeling back to my original color. Jordyn is a good four inches taller than me and her personality is way more outgoing then mine, but a friend is a friend.

    Fourth hour, I was on my own again; I had no one to talk to or sit next to. I knew history was going to be my worst subject, considering the fact that I had no interest to learn about previous wars and dead presidents. Friendless, I was basically forced to pay attention, I guess I can’t really say it as if it’s not my fault, considering I haven’t really made any effort to befriend anyone either. I figure I was just hoping they would come to me instead.

    Then there was fifth hour. A strange feeling in my gut told me I was going to like gym class. I walked out of the girl's changing room in a plain white t-shirt that I had to tie up in the back, so it wouldn't be too big on me. I rolled my sweat pants up restricting me from walking on the ends with my feet. I saw the P.E. instructor talking to, what looked like, another teacher. The only reason I knew which one was my physical education teacher was because he was dressed in black shorts and a grey t-shirt, while the other was wearing loose faded jeans with a button down shirt. Maybe he was a student. No, too old. Maybe a teacher? No, too young. Student teacher? Probably.

    I walked up to them and told Coach Patterson that I was the new girl in town. He smiled and told me where to sit in a line. I spotted Jordyn sitting a couple rows to the right of me. She raised her hand and waved at me. I returned the wave.

    "Ms. Wright?" I turned my head to Coach Patterson. He did a hand motion that meant for me to go up to the front by him.

    "Yes, Coach?"

    "This..." He pointed to the other guy. "…Is Mr. Jameson. He is the school's dance team coach, but he also happens to be the driving instructor for this semester. Your old school sent over your records and they said you haven't done your 'behind the wheel training.'" Mr. Jameson. Dirty blonde hair fully covered his head, his chocolate brown eyes shined through his tan skin, he stood at least six inches taller than me, and his biceps showed amazingly through his shirt.

    I shook my head in agreement. "No I haven't."

    Mr. Jameson spoke to me next. "Have you had at least ten hours of practice behind the wheel?" I nodded, knowing that for the long car ride to New Jersey I drove for at least five hours. He continued. "Meet me in the Driver’s Ed room, tomorrow."

    I looked at him with confusion, "I’m new here, I don't know where that is."

    "Oh, I'll show her." Jordyn said as she placed her arm around my shoulders. At the first feel of her touch, I looked over at her and looked back at Mr. Jameson. Then I whipped my head back at her and thought, ‘when the heck did she get up here?’

    "Great. Just don't be late." He warned.

    I waved as he walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, I turned to Jordyn and asked. "How hard is it to join the dance team?"

Rules Are Just A Suggestion {Teacher Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now