Chapter One: Pesky Pranks

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Third Person:

Shigeo popped his head into Reigen's office. He received a call asking him to come over and assist him with a client. The last few weeks they had been receiving a lot of anonymous complaints all along the same lines, it seemed an awful lot like possessions, so the three of them (Mob, Reigen, and Dimple) assumed it was some mischievous ghost.

Two boys were sitting across from Reigen, and the business man motioned for Mob to hurry over.
These were the first people to actually come into the office, rather than phone it in, so they needed to get as much info as possible. After sitting down Reigen began asking questions. "When did the incident occur?"

"Uh- it was just a few days ago. We were heading home from school."

"Okay... Okay.. were you doing anything to provoke a spirit?" Reigen could immediately assess that they definitely did, and their image kind of gave it away. They were dressed like textbook delinquents, duckbill hair and a buzz, and already forming frown-lines from pulling stupid faces.

The one who hadn't spoken yet looked at the other for permission to say whatever it was that they were doing. "We were spray painting..."

A few days ago...

Reader POV:

' It's only been about a month since I found out about my powers. I know mom would totally kill me if she knew what I was doing though... This area has had a recent problem with criminals though and I couldn't overlook my neighborhood being terrorized!' She reaffirmed herself.

(Criminals being more like teenage delinquents...)

I looked further down the street I was walking on, patrolling, and saw two teenagers.. from my school?? It seems like they are putting graffiti on the wall, and not even good graffiti at that.
"I can totally handle this one!"

Third person POV:

Y/n found a safe place to leave her body, the big shell shaped thing on the playground, and mustered up energy to activate her powers, and part her soul from her body. Her powers operated on a very specific mechanic but she knew it would work on these punks.

One of the spray cans fell onto the ground and the teenager froze up. It took Y/n a second to seize full control, but once she did she knew she wanted to embarrass this guy a little bit so she made him smooch the fresh paint on the wall, confusing his friend, "What's gotten into you man?!" This sparked an idea in her though and she leaned him into for a a sweet smooch with his presumably best friend. She was kicked out of his brain when they got a few centimeters away from each other though, since his unconscious mind strongly opposed her action for so long she lost control. The two boys began arguing after that, but it was pretty clear they were freaked out enough to not come back.

' That was probably a good enough scare '

After she departed from his body and returned to her own, she looked up and saw a rather plain boy. That she would later learn was named Shigeo Kageyama. ' He didn't see that right? '

He in fact, did not see them, he came over to check if she was okay. She did look like she was passed out after all. He also thought he saw a hint of esper power but he assumed he must have been mistaken.

"Um- what are you.. why are you standing there..?" Y/n Questioned, praying to herself that he didnt know anything.

"Oh I was- no no I wasnt doing anything weird! I just thought.. did you need any help, you were passed out over here?" Mob's view scattered to everywhere but her, hands up trying to explain himself. He really didn't know how to talk to girls. Y/n however decided he didn't seem like too much of a dangerous guy and pulled herself up, dusting off her skirt. Then she noticed his uniform.

"Oh! You go to Hot Sauce High as well?"
From there she thanked Mob for trying to help her, and they both tucked their meeting into the back of their minds.

Present day...

After explaining the situation Reigen was pretty convinced that this was just a childish prank of some sort. There was not a chance he was going to pass up the business though. He whipped out his flyer and began to discuss a payment plan with the two.
Mob noticed that the two boys were people from his highschool as well..
' I wonder.. ' His mind wandered to the girl that he met those few days ago. ' There's no way right? Just a silly coincidence '.

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