Chapter Thirty: 5:03

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Third person POV:

Y/n hobbled out of the alleyway, determination and a few residual tears in her eyes. The rest of the group stood behind her uncertain if she was going to be fine. She stared out into the patchy crowd and darted her eyes around.

She sniffled one last sniffle and rubbed her nose and the last remnants of doubt away. "There has got to be some way to find these guys. There's a lot of them but judging from the fact they were brainwashed by Dimple so easily they can't be all that smart."

"Hey..." Dimple mumbled, but didn't mind leaving the comment unaddressed.

She turned around and looked all of them in the eyes, gauging them all. "We've got to split up and find them before tomorrow. Kidnapping victims-" She paused, Reigen has walked in without her noticing during her speech. " kidnapping victims usually only have 24 hours. We don't know what their goal of kidnapping Mob-kun is supposed to be. But, our odds don't look good since we know now that they are comfortable with violence. "

"Tch, scumbags.." Reigen commented. He looked at Y/n, who had turned around noticing his arrival, and sighed. "I know you kids really want to go after these guys, but they're dangerous. It's not a job for us, we need to tell the police."

"What are the police going to do better Reigen?!" Y/n was on egde. "With the powers we have here-"

Reigen put a hand on her shoulder, "this is dangerous. And as much as you want to go get Mob, I'm sure he doesn't want you charging in and getting hurt." He moved his hand. "As the one responsible for your safety right now I can't let you go, I'm sorry."

Y/n gave him a hurt look before pivoting on her foot and dashing off. "Do you think she'll be alright?" Dimple questioned.

"I should go after her." Ritsu said before running after her.

Y/n was crying again, soaking her face and sleeves she was wiping with as she ran down the street. A lot of people turned to look at her in confusion but dusted it off as teen angst. ' Mob-kun doesn't have much time! How can Reigen say that, he of all people should know that timing is everything. '

She slowed down as she had gotten much further away from town than anticipated, and realized she was lost. She was near a river bank, the kind with sloping green hills leading down and a bridge nearby. She carefully stepped down the hill until she was sitting as the edge of the river, staring at the current. ' maybe Reigen has a point.. my powers aren't even refined enough that I could help much with searching anyway. Maybe I oughta just give up like he said and hope the police-'

Her thoughts were interrupted as a sweating Ritsu appeared. "L/n!" He haphazardly slid-stepped down the hill to where she was sitting.

"Ritsu? Why'd you follow me?" She pulled her knees up an looked away. "Did Reigen ask you to come?"

He finally got to her, trying to even out his breathing from running. "No, I came because I wanted to." He sat down next to her. "I also want to save Nii-san, and judging by the looks on Teru and Sho's faces they wanted to as well."

She brought her knees down and looked at him skeptically, "Really?"


"Reigen said to let the police handle it though. Do we even have enough power to make a difference here?"

"It might seem like a daunting task but I'm sure we do. Sho and Teru have had their powers for a very long time. Sho is probably the second strongest esper I know, after my brother."

She thought about it for a second, staring off at the water again. She stood up soon though and looked at him with a renewed determination. "Okay! Let's initiate mission: Save Mob Ourselves Without Letting Reigen Know!"

' long title ' Ritsu thought to himself. "Whats our first step then?"

"You should text Teru and Sho to start looking around, while you and I will be a team and do the same thing."

Ritsu opened his phone and began typing.

"We should be looking for regular people, middle-aged like that guy who's house we went to- and keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

Ritsu nodded as he finished up the last few characters and clicked send. Teru and Sho got the information and nodded. Reigen and Dimple had already left back to the office assuming Ritsu would bring Y/n back there. (Haha, nope.)

"First off we should probably get back to town the chances of them being there is higher-" as Y/n was saying that the exact kind of person she had described was walking across the bridge above them. "No way."


"I think we've got a target already, Kageyama-kun." She began to slowly head up the hill, keeping an eye on a woman. She looked to be in about her early 40's and was heading towards the part of town that has a lot of closed-down old buildings. "Feels a little bit too good to be true, honestly."

"Yeah, maybe it's just what we needed though." Ritsu added as he followed her. He shot a quick message of his location to the other two.

Meanwhile, it had not been very long since Teru and Sho had started looking around and they were coming up empty. Their phones pinged at the same time, "Well that was fast." Sho noted.

"It's a good thing though, it'll be getting to sunset not long from now." Teru glanced at the time. 5:03

They both headed off in Ritsu and Y/n's direction, as they followed the strange woman deeper and deeper into the empty part of the city.

A/n: hey guys. Finally back in action! I've got fall break and have more time to write so hopefully this can satiate you until the next update. Stay safe out there ❤️

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