Chapter Twenty-Seven: Escapes with your Breath

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Third person POV:

That morning Shigeo pulled himself out of bed, and into a new day. ' Ritsu must have told his friend about the plan by now.. once we're safe N/n then I can tell you. ' He brushed his teeth, ate his breakfast, and set off for school just like every other day. However it wasn't long before he realized Y/n would be coming to school today too, and he got very nervous. He thought she was probably mad at him for suddenly stopping and leaving like that, after all.

Y/n wasn't mad yet, when she woke up she could feel frustration bubbling inside of her though, so who knows how this is gonna go. She did the same as him and followed her usual morning routine, sighing along the way which worried her mother. So as she was about to step past the door, "Y/n sweetie!"

"Mom? Did you need something?"

She shook her head no, "But you seemed a bit off this morning and I was wondering if something happened on your trip?"

She stared at her mom's worried face, considering telling her, before deciding it was too much to explain. "No nothing happened, dont worry mom. I'm just a bit tired is all." They broke eye contact and Y/n could feel more frustration building in her gut. She wished she could tell her mother the truth but she knew that would cause a lot of confusion and there was already enough going on at the moment. She let out another big sigh, reminiscent of that old proverb. 'Each time you sigh a little bit of your happiness escapes with your breath.' Just how much of Y/n's happiness would escape her by the end of this then?

Mob got to school before her so they didn't see each other in the morning, and most of the afternoon as well because they were in different classes. That didn't stop either of them from being on guard as they switched classrooms though, it pained the two of them but a run in right now would just be super awkward. They both wanted to apologize after all, but there were a lot more steps that needed to happen before either could do that.

And with that they did not see each other for the rest of the school day, until it came time for them to walk to the office together. Ritsu had told Mob sometime that day that they should do the plan today. He told the same thing to Y/n as well. ' they need me for their plan..? Why? ' This thought stuck in her mind, but as soon as she saw Mob standing at the gate waiting for her everything left her mind. "Crap what am I supposed to do..." She whispered to herself.

"Walk with him obviously!"

Y/n whipped in around in surprise to find none other than the ghost that was comforting her last night. "Wait did you talk to him already?"

"Nah. Reigen wanted to talk to him by having him come early but it seems Mob wanted to walk with you more." Dimple gave her a look signalling 'at least give him a chance.'

"It's- it's not like I'm mad at him!" She flushed.

"Well he doesn't know that does he? Come on, the poor kids been waiting long enough everyone is practically gone already." Dimple gave her a little shove and she glared back at him before nervously approaching the equally as nervous Mob.

"Mob-kun?" She caught his attention, "Were you waiting for me?"

"I uh- yeah I was." He scratched the back of his neck, "is that- is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't- yeah it's okay Mob-kun!" She smiled at him, a bit pleased that he didn't really seem upset at her at all. "Shall we get going?"

"Oh um, okay." They both set off to the office together, a little green ghost trailing behind them.

"Well that was easy. I should shove people more." He was just relishing his own genius though, paying little attention to them. It wasn't long before they reached the office, and thank goodness because even though Y/n could tell he wasn't upset at her she didn't know what he was upset about. And it didn't seem like he wanted to talk about either so they were silent the whole way there. The silence didn't last as soon as the opened the door though, due to some rowdy teen boys who had been waiting for them.

"Geez, took you a while didn't it?" Mob immediately recognized the one talking as Ritsu's red-headed friend.

"They were probably just busy!" Teru chimed in.

"Busy doing what?" Sho, that was Ritsu's friends name, turned and saw that a girl had come in behind Mob, "oh I know," he smirked at them and chuckled, "Mob was probably just making out with his girlfriend!"

"Sho!" Ritsu yelled.

"Shes-," Mob spoke up, "She's not my girlfriend, Ritsu's friend."

He saw the serious look on Mob's face and decided to drop it, "alright I get it, not a girlfriend. Whats her name at least?"

Y/n sighed, this guy was a bit of a firecracker, so she just stepped up to deal with it head on. "My name is L/n Y/n. The people here call me N/n so you can too, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, well my name is Suzuki Sho, I don't like my last name though so you can call me Sho. It's nice to meet you."

Ristu was glad he didn't have to hit Sho upside the head like he had to sometimes. He was a nice kid but his upbringing really left him with no manners. "I think it's about time we head out and put this plan into action Nii-san." Ritsu looked at him for approval to leave even though they had just gotten there.

"Oh yeah we should leave before it gets dark. We don't want to miss dinner."

' pfft worrying about dinner even at a time like this. ' Y/n thought endearingly, the awkwardness hadn't managed to put any restrictions on her affections toward him.

And just like that they were off to trick some cultists.

' they forgot about me again ' Dimple cried when he saw the office empty. It was his fault for taking so long admiring himself though.

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