Chapter Thirty-Two: Does It Hurt?

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Third person POV:

Mob grabbed Y/n's hand, "Quick run!" he pulled her along with him as he dashed straight through the crowd, as the only exit not boarded up seemed to be where they came from. Y/n glanced down at their joined hands and the view of Mob guiding her to safety. 'Aside from the cultists... Maybe this isn't half bad' she blushed at her own thoughts but was soon thrown out of them.

A stray hand from the sea of heretics roughly grabbed her shoulder, "AHK!" and stopped her and Mob in their tracks.

"N/n!?" He shot around and saw a strong hand roughly digging it's fingers into his friend's shoulder. He traced the arm back to find the culprit labeled 'Salmon Roe' and made an expression very few had ever seen, a deep scowl with anger painted across his face.

"Mob he won't- his grip is too strong I can't get him to let go" she winced and Shigeo steeled himself. He got closer to her, but instead of looking in her eyes Y/n noticed his gaze fixed behind her. He reached his arm out slowly, his hair began to stand, his head injury aching, and refracting light shone from the center of his outreached palm.

Salmon Roe attempted to retract their arm but it was too late, Shigeo latched onto their wrist and the culprit screamed. "Yes, God, Please!! DEVOUR ME AND PURIFY MY SINFUL EXISTANCE."

Disgust and confusion sat on Y/n's face, 'these people are seriously insane. . .' Mob was not phased however, and was also not planning on ever giving them what they wanted. His power shot out from him and surrounded the cultist, who seemed enveloped in bliss. This look was gone soon though, when Mob let his wrist go they immediately shot up into ceiling and stayed there. While the idea of these people yearning for death did make him incredibly sad, he wouldn't compromise his values, and he definitely wouldn't allow them to hurt someone unspeakably important to him.

He backed away from Y/n and looked at her shoulder with upturned eyebrows and compassionate eyes, "does it hurt, Y/n?"

She switched her gaze from the human-decorated ceiling to the worried friend in front of her. She lightly touched the shoulder that had been grabbed, "I think it might bruise, but I'm okay it doesn't hurt that bad."

Mob, still upset by the fact it hurt her at all gave a look of warning to the crowd surrounding them, and they all took a few steps back. Y/n had never seen him act this intimidating, and not so deep down she was kind of attracted to the protective side of Mob. They continued on their way, and got out of the school with no more issue from those who had kidnapped Shigeo.

The others who weren't able to find him in the rooms they searched in had gathered outside just in time to see the two walking out. Immediately their gazes locked onto their hands, the ones that were holding each other.

Ritsu was the first to speak, after prying his eyes off of their hands. "Brother, thank goodness you two are alright." Mob and Y/n then noticed they were all staring and bashfully let go and brought their hands back to themselves.

"What happened to the cultists? How did you two escape?" Sho questioned, no one seemed visibly injured, aside from the head injury he knew Mob had, so he was imagining an epic beat down.

Y/n decided to speak up and explain in Mob's place since he looked uncomfortable talking about committing acts of violence. "Umn well after I burst into the gym I untied Mob and these people in weird robes and foods written on their bald heads started freaking out."

'bald heads .?" Teru pictured how stupid they looked.

Y/n explained the rest of what happened and how Mob scared them all off from messing with them more, and then they kinda just walked out.

"Wait- so they are all still in there?" Ritsu mentioned.

"Yeah, Probably." Mob replied to his brother.

"We should probably call the police and leave a report then. We're all exhausted so if we just leave an anonymous tip that people are illegally using this building that should work it out." Y/n offered a solution.

Everyone agreed, and after leaving the tip made their way back to the office. Sho and Teru both ended up leaving to go back home, because they had things they also had to do that day. Once they opened the door, Ritsu, Mob, and Y/n saw Reigen sitting on the couch looking very concerned. He propped up when he heard the door open and shot up when he saw Mob standing there in one piece. Dimple was also there.

Reigen sprinted toward Mob and grabbed both his shoulders. "Thank goodness you're okay, Mob." Reigen sighed and you would think you could see the tension leaving his body as his shoulders loosened up.

"Sorry to interrupt but-" Y/n tapped Reigen's hand, and he moved it, "I've got to do first aid for Mob-kun's injury."

"Oh, yeah, of course. My first aid stuff is in the back room." Reigen was stingy in a lot of things, but in case there was an accident he'd rather pay for a first aid kit and handle it personally then pay for a medical visit.

Mob followed Y/n as she pulled him into the back room and sat him down in a chair, while she rummaged in a cabinet to find the first aid. He hadn't noticed it but head wounds bleed a lot and there was blood going down the side of his neck and through his hair. Y/n finally found the first aid and popped it open, and grabbed a few things and turned toward him. "I'm gonna need to move your hair around a bit to find out where it exactly is and how bad it is, just tell me if I hurt you at all."

Mob tried his best to contain his bashfulness at the idea she'd be running her hands through his hair, and looked away. "mhm!"

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