Chapter Ten: The Curb

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Third person POV:

While Y/N was taking her nap Mob helped Reigen unpack all the luggage.

(By helped I mean Mob did most of it, aside from Reigen's clothing of course.)

"These suits are delicate Mob. Once you become a man and start wearing them you'll understand why they are so precious to me."

"Okay, Master. I'll unpack my suitcases first then."

Afterwards they both took showers, it'd been about and hour and a half since Y/N fell asleep.

"Mob you want to go out and do something since we're all sorted then?"

"Oh- well Y/N is still sleeping. I think we have another half hour until she is supposed to wake up.."

"She's asleep?.." Reigen rested his hand in his chin, thinking. "Well I suppose we could wait. There is still more of the hotel to check out anyways."

Reigen stood up, pushing on his knees with his hands. Mob stood up as well and the two of them took the elevator down to the lobby.

The place was pretty run down in a few places, but they had a lot of walls painted white, probably supposed to look like marble. It wasn't bad enough that Mob really noticed anything though. Reigen just marched around then he found the counter. "I'd like a free cookie please."

The person working the counter just stared at him confused. "Umm I think you are confusing us with a different hotel. We're not H*lton D**bletree."

Reigen just looked at him and titled his head and squinted his eyes, "come onnn. I know you've got some in the back."

Reigen leaned over, and not as quietly as he thought explained that "usually places like this can take a bit of convincing, its a marketing tactic to make the normally free stuff feel more exclusive."

Mob nodded along with him, while the poor desk attendant just started to sweat. Eventually after more of Reigen's nagging he just pressed a little button under the desk to call security...

Reigen sat down on the curb and leaned back on his hands, "I can't believe they'd kick one of their valuable customers out. This is what happens when a business gets too big, Mob. People like us have to take every job we can get and-"

Mob stood there listening intently, this was probably going to take some time.

Meanwhile, Y/N had woken up a bit earlier than expected. 'must be from all the sleeping I did in the car.' She took care of her H/L H/C hair and picked herself out a pretty cute vacation outfit. 'I wonder what Mob will think?'

She stared at herself deadpan in the mirror for a few seconds. "What are you thinking Y/N!!!" Her hands shot up to her face and she blushed red. "These thoughts about him have been getting kind of out of hand... We barely met the guy, girl!"

She turns to face away from the mirror with her hand on her chin, thinking aloud, "So far he has been really-" she went pink "um- good. So if push comes to shove-"

She switches around again, "we don't have time for romance though! We only discovered our powers recently, and plus the only reason we are on this vacation with Blondina and Mob right now is because they are investigating me!! I literally lied right to their faces!"

Swap. "okay okay I definitely did lie but like also- it wasnt super bad and it's not like the guy I possessed even got hurt. Plus Mob could help with- I mean if he wants to of course- with my powers."

Eventually she settled with herself, sort of, she decided that she still didn't know a thing about what she wanted but might as well do her best to enjoy herself and be true to who she is. With the internal chaos over she headed over to the room the other two were staying in and knocked

And then she knocked again.

And again...

"Is anyone in here?!!" There had been zero response whatsoever, maybe they really did leave to go do something without her.

'I didn't wake up too early I thought? Mob would have been back by now... Investigation time.'

She smirked to herself at getting to be like a little detective, 'so cool'. She took the elevator down to the lobby and approached the receptionist, who looked super exhausted compared to how early in the day it was. When they spotted her a sweat drop appeared on their forehead.

"Have you seen a blonde man in a suit, and a highschool with a black bowl-cut?"

Their hand slowly started to inch towards the security button again. "Um yes I have seen them but may I ask why you want to know?"

"Oh I'm sorry I've forgotten my manners! Well, I'm traveling with them but I'm not sure if they know I've woken up yet."

Their finger slid away from the button, she seemed to not be as crazy as the suited man she said she was traveling with. "Well, unfortunately, the blonde man you were talking about got kicked out..."

"He got kicked out?? Can I ask why?"

"He uh- he kept trying to get the hotel to give him some cookies? He must have a confused with another hotel chain."

"Oh- that's- well alright then. I can't say that's out of Character." At least from what she knows of his character anyway. "Could you tell me where they went?"

"I think they are outside on the curb actually. And only the blonde one got kicked out, the one with the bowel cut you were talking about didn't actually do anything particularly bad."

Y/N smiled and nodded as she waved a thanks, 'makes sense. Mob is too respectful for that.'

She pushed the doors open and immediately saw the two. Reigen was still sitting on the curb and Mob, naturally, was standing there patiently behind him. Y/N tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at Reigen with a questioning look.

"Oh he is explaining something about business I think." He whispered. He was listening intently but that definitely did not mean he understood a single word.

Y/N quietly pulled Mob off to the side so Reigen didn't notice. "Did you guys end up doing anything while I was asleep?"

"No we stayed in our room mostly. I didn't want you to feel like you missed out on your first trip with us."

Y/N kind of admired that Mob was able to be so genuine when it came to other people.

Usually he came off pretty awkward but all of the times he's seemed serious has been times like these. She smiled at him and bowed lightly, "I really appreciate it, that was very thoughtful!"

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