Chapter Twenty-Three: Introductions

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Third person POV:

The next day was the last that Y/n would be staying at the office, but aside from packing up there was another giant task sitting in her plate. She needed to figure out how to tell her mom about the situation they had gotten themselves into. Dimple suggested just lying again, but she knows that you can only spin a web so big. Plus she would feel two times worse about the cultists thing if her mom didn't know. For a long time they were the only ones there to look out for each other, and even though Mob is here for her now that connection with her mother will always be near and dear to her heart.

She rolled out of bed with all of this on her mind, and started to pick up her things from around the room. She didn't want to have to pack tonight because she was confident that she'd be exhausted just like last night. ' might as well get it out of the way. Reigen can wait a little bit longer for breakfast. '

The rest of the day went pretty regularly, and sometime that afternoon Reigen and Y/n got a message from Mob saying he was going to bring Ritsu and Teru to the office after school. It was a Wednesday so they were all getting out a bit early. ( A/n: idk if japanese schools do that, probably not, but in this universe let's say they do lol )

Then the time came, Y/n had nerves crawling her up and down. She didn't know what Mob's brother and friends would be like, or what they would think of her. She did really want to make a good impression though so maybe it would transfer over. Mob however was just excited that Ritsu and Teru were finally meeting someone who had recently become more important in his life.

' I wonder if this is the girl Nii-san was talking about a while ago...? I mean Reigen doesn't really have a large employee base. ' Ristu thought as they approached the door. When they finally got in he saw a girl sitting on the couch looking rather nervous, and then saw his brothers face light up when Mob saw her. ' oh man he's got it bad. '

Teru's mind was as blank as a freshly cleaned plate, he was just happy to be here.

"N/n-chan this is my Brother Ristu, and my friend Teru-kun." He motioned to the both of them, and they waved. She smiled back hesitantly. "Ristu, Teru, this is my friend and coworker L/n-chan."

"Sweet! Nice to meet you, do you mind if I call you N/n-chan too?" Teru smiled, you could almost picture a little pair of ears and a tail whipping around behind him.

Mob looked at her nervously but she waved it off, "yeah that's fine, so I can call you Teru then?"

"Yep! A friend of Mob's is a friend of mine."

"While we're at it, if you don't mind, you can also call me N/n-chan Ritsu." She smiled, internally pumping her fist. This was going amazingly. The three of them continued talking, while internally Shigeo was a bit conflicted. He loved that the people important to him got along, but he also felt a bit jealous that he wasn't the only one calling her N/n now..

"So how about you Mob?" Teru questioned.

He snapped back into it, "oh sorry what was the question?"

"I was asking if you were going to take some special precautions at school for you and N/n-chan for safety?" The three of them had already moved to the sitting area so Shigeo joined them.

"Special precautions..? Like what?"

"Like meeting up at lunch and walking to and from school together. That kind of thing? You guys probably already walk to the office after school right? Just extend that."

"O-oh to and from school?" Mob was completely okay with the idea but looked to Y/n for approval. He didn't know if she usually had any special plans for other parts of her day.

"Yeah, I don't see a problem with it. Honestly, it'll make me feel safer if someone else 'in the know' about all this is with me." She gives Mob a small thumbs-up unnoticed by Ristu or Teru.

"Speaking of people in the know, Ristu was your red-head friend busy?" Mob didn't really know the guy that well but he helped with the disaster with his dad, and he trusted his brothers judgement in friends.

"He said he got caught up in some legal stuff about his dad's company. Since in a few years he'll be eighteen. Pretty boring stuff really."

"Oh that's a shame. Well if he wants to come to meet N/n later then tell him it's fine as long as it's office hours." They worked out a few more details about that but ultimately moved on pretty fast.

"Anyways, the reason I brought you two with me was so we could brainstorm ideas of how to make me look bad."

"What? Why are we trying to make you look bad Nii-san?"

Y/n chimed in, "we decided the safest plan was to try to indirectly show the people who worship Mob that's he's just a normal teenager who makes mistakes and stuff?"

"Aaah okay okay. That's a pretty good plan. I don't know how easy it will be to come up with ideas though.." Ristu answered.

Y/n was silently happy that Mob's brother liked the plan she came up with too. Teru, as a former delinquent was having a super easy time coming up with ways to tarnish Shigeo's reputation, however.

"We could go in public spaces and have him do a bunch of disrespectful stuff like littering, we'll pick it up later, or making mean faces at babies to make them cry." Teru held his chin.

"I don't know about that..." Said nervous Mob.

"I know you don't want to do any of this stuff Mob, it's honestly very out of Character, but how else do we scare these guys off..?" Y/n looked at him apologetically.

"I HAVE AN IDEA" Dimple was told to be quiet while they were over, but he took the moment of silence as his time to shine.

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