Chapter Five: Stray Cats

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Third person POV:

Y/N had ran a considerable distance out of desperation, (her mother was going to be so mad) but every girls gotta have her limits. She slowed down once she reached an intersection with a flashing red no-walk sign. 'I really hope I don't get grounded'

Mob was coming up behind her, looking like he was on the brink of passing out. The walk light turned green and Y/N started to walk again. Scared he'd never catch up Mob, with the air he could muster, shouted "Wait L/N-Chan!"

Reader POV:

I heard a familiar voice just as I was taking a reluctant step forward. "Wait L/N-Chan!"

"Kageyama-kun?" He was looking really rough, I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright? You look like you just did a triathlon."

"Phew no I-" Pant "just wanted-" Pant "to walk you home L/N-chan"

"Walk me home?" He stood himself up and was mostly fine now, he nodded his head seriously.

"It's not safe this late at night, so please let me walk you."

'That is kind of sweet...' I've not seen him be quite this forward before, it's-

-kind of cool. "oh um! Yeah my house is not too much longer from here." He smiled at me and we walked side by side for a bit. "How did you end up working for Blondina, or I guess Reigen, anyways Kageyama-kun?"

"I was about 10 I think? Well I walked into his office because I wanted to know about my powers."

"Powers..?" Wait was he an esper as well? The one that Dimple was talking about? I thought he was lying when he said that.

Third person POV:

Y/N has had enough information about Mob to be able to guess he was an esper for a while. Working for the consulatation office? Being able to see Dimple?? It only occured to her when he said it out loud that he really did have powers, like her.

"Did you not know L/N-chan?"

"Uuhhh naaaaaah of course I knew, it's so obvious after all. .... Heh heh"

"Oh well I'll continue then..." He proceeded to explain the type of work they usually did as well as the fact that it's usually what he does in his free time.

"Wait so you-  He makes you work all the time?"

"Ah well that makes it sound like I don't want to, but I do enjoy learning from master. And I'm in a club too L/N-chan."

"Club?" She was guessing it was probably something like a tabletop games club? 'He doesn't seem like the type to be into sports really.'

"The Body Improvement Club!"

Y/N halted there steady walk and looked at Mob. "Body Improvement..? What kind of stuff do you guys, uh, do."

"It all depends what month it is. Last month was lower body Improvement month."

Y/N was considering asking him more questions about it, but she decided against it since it might come off a bit rude. She started walking again forgetting completely that they were having a conversation. Mob looked at her nervously thinking maybe he said something wrong that might have offended her. Unknowing to Mob's awkward aura she continued walking with him like this until they were finally in her neighborhood. "Hey Kageyama-Kun"

"Huh, oh, yes?"

"If we're lucky maybe we'll get to see some stray cats! It's too noisy for them during the day so I've only ever seen them through my window" Y/N liked both dogs and cats, but either way almost anyone would be delighted to meet some cute/friendly strays.

"Really! Maybe we really will get lucky.." Mob also likes cats. And as Y/N and Mob were both hoping, eventually they saw two cats hanging out around Y/N's house, the two she usually looks at through the window. An orange tabby and a cute calico, that seemed like they were married.

"I think I have to go in now, because my mom will see me with the cats, or you, and probably get mad. But make sure to give them lots of love in my absence!" She lightly jogged into her house, jiggling the key for a second before walking in. Mob wasn't expecting her to go in so suddenly before he could thank her for agreeing to help on the case.

'I guess I'll just have to tell her tomorrow, maybe I'll see her at school.' He then pet the cats for a bit before heading back home himself.

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