Chapter Twenty: Horrible Advertising

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Third person POV:

Y/n woke up super early the next morning, probably because of all the napping she usually does in the car. She left her room and noticed that Reigen was still asleep so she decided to shower real quick and pick them both up some breakfast.

She was a pretty good cook, and she wanted to repay Reigen for letting her stay here and been being considerate enough to buy locks for her.

Mob also woke up pretty early, courtesy of dimple. Usually he just does whatever and floats around at night but he got bored in the morning and decided to wake him up. Shigeo's mom was already awake, preparing breakfast for him and Ritsu. She had to do it so early because Ritsu almost always left early for student council.

Back at the store, Y/n was deciding what kind of breakfast she wanted to make for them and decided on a more western style meal, chicken and waffles. ' let's hope he likes it. ' She purchased everything and went back to the office. When she got there Reigen was surprisingly awake now, typing away on his computer. She didn't really want to ask what it was, despite being curious, because she was pretty confident it was some new advertisement featuring him.

"I'm back, Reigen."

He looked up from his computer and waved, "glad you're back." He then continued working, not noticing the bags she had. Y/n shrugged it off and walked into the former kitchen, now 'Psychic Zone'. ' How does he cook in here? ' The answer was that he didn't, Reigen much preferred going out to eat and when he made ramen he only needed to take the hanging fabric off the microwave. Y/n opted for a similar plan, but moving everything and then wiping it down took quite a bit. She lost track of time, getting in the zone before eventually getting pulled out by a text from Mob.

'Are you not at school N/n?'

She smiled, they didn't usually text each other. 'nah, I'm probably going to finish using up the days I pulled myself out. I could honestly use the break.'

'Okay. I will come to the office after school.' He probably would have come anyway because of a call from Reigen, but might as well jump the gun and hang out a bit before a job.

'Sounds like a plan then! See you later Mob.'

'See you later.'

She tucked her phone away into her pocket. 'The way he texts totally suits him.' (A/n: I just imagine him as being a pretty dry texter lol) She finally got to cooking and it wasn't long before Reigen wandered in and they both sat down to eat.

"Thank you for the meal, L/n. It's delicious. Cooking is really and invaluable skill." He says despite being a horrible cook.

"Mhm, it's no problem. I wanted to repay you for letting me stay for today and tomorrow." They both started stuffing their faces, it was dead silent so she decided she might as well break the ice. "soo what were you working on earlier?" It was the only topic she could think of that wasn't related to Mob.

"An advertisement poster, I mostly get older clients so I tried putting some more pop culture into it this time."

"Pop culture..?"

"Yeah, you're a teen so I bet you'll get it. I'll show you when we finish eating."

They finished up and Y/n washed and put away the dishes, leaving the fabric to be put back up later. She walked back into the main space and Reigen waved her over eagerly, showing her what he had come up with. (Refer to image at top of chapter.) "Reigen..."

"I know, it's great right? I think it'll really pull in some younger clientele."

"It's horrible."

Reigen's hands stopped, hovering above the desk and he sweat dropped and turned to look at her. "Terrible? What, how?!"

Y/n sighed and facepalmed, " First, you can barely read what it says, and second you can't just ask for their credit card digits. I'm pretty sure that's a crime."

He put his hand on his chin, staring at the ad. "Everything I researched on the internet suggested this is just the kind of thing the kids like."

"Well yeah, but it's more like they'd think it's a joke and laugh at it. Not actually take it seriously..." She looked away, Reigen looked very disappointed. She probably could have put it a little gentler, but it was for the best that he knew why it wouldn't work.

"Well.. what am I supposed to do then?" He leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling.

"When Mob gets here we can both probably help you come up with something."

"Hmm... I suppose so. For now I guess we'll just have to do it the old fashioned way." He smiled and got out of his chair, dusting himself off.

"The old fashioned way..?" She sweat dropped.

Reigen headed for the door and pulled it open, "Door to Door of course!"

"Oh man..." She hesitantly followed him out.

For the rest of the afternoon Reigen taught Y/n how solicitation works, and for the entire afternoon advertised, getting a quick convenience lunch in between. They mostly had doors slammed in there face, but probably three people asked for Reigen's work number and the address of the office.

It really was a learning experience, but when they got back to the office Y/n was so exhausted that she passed out on the couch. Without realizing Mob would be coming soon, and they still had to help Reigen with another ad on top of any of the other jobs they might get. ' Ill just cross that bridge when I come to it. ' Around 30 minutes later Mob walked in the door, and she barely raised her hand enough to wave at him. "Hey mob."

"Uhh Hey N/n. Are you alright?"

Reigen tuned in, "She's exhausted from helping me all afternoon."

"But I'm mostly alright, just tired" she answered.

"That's good then. Do we have any jobs Master?" Mob redirected the conversation.

"Yeah a few, I bet we can knock them all out by the end of today if we get right to it."

Mob looked at Y/n a bit nervously, "Do you have enough energy to come with us N/n?"

She slowly pulled herself off the couch, and shook herself awake. "Yeah I can. I guess we better get going then?"

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