Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart & Mind

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Third person POV:

About an hour passed before Y/n gained her conciousness again. "N/n! Are you alright? You passed out, I'm sorry I think I did something and I hurt you.." Mob sat next to the couch on the ground, and looked horribly upset.

Y/n slowly sat herself up, and took a second to process what he had just said. When it hit though she slowly moved her hand to grab his. "Are you alright Mob?" He was acting really strange before all of this, and since she really felt completely fine she was worried about why they unsynced all of a sudden. ' was it because he felt my emotions..? Did he- did that upset him?'

Shigeo brought his gaze to hers, with a confused look. "Huh? Why would- you passed out! Do you feel alright?" Very aware they were holding hands now.

"I'm feeling Fine Mob-kun.. but you were acting kind of weird before we unsynced. Did I do something wrong?"

They held eye contact and he felt like she was looking right into his soul. "I- no. It wasn't anything that you did. Really it wasn't you. I think I just wasn't prepared enough this time is all." He looked away feeling incredibly guilty for lying to her. He just couldn't bring himself to tell her that he was insecure about his feelings for her. It would be so unexpected, and with the recent danger he didn't want to be apart from her. ' I'll tell her everything once we deal with the Psycho Helmet Cult..' he silently promised to himself.

Y/n looked at him doubtfully but could tell he didn't really want to talk about it. "If you say so. We should probably put off my training for a bit longer then? I don't want to force you into anything."

"You wouldn't be forcing me, but I do think we probably should put it off. I hurt you by making a bad decision. I'm sorry."

Y/n remembered she was holding his hand still and pulled hers away flushed. "Ah sorry!"

He pulled his own hand to himself, "No No it's fine.." An awkward air pierced the room, something they hadn't felt with each other in ages. It unsettled the both of them.

"Well I should- I should probably go finish packing up my stuff to take back tonight." She scooted herself to the edge of the couch and stood up. "I know the ending was sour, but thanks for believing in me and training with me Mob-kun." She walked off quickly before he could even respond, and was soon out of view.

' what have I done.. We really need to deal with these cultists quickly so I can have the courage to explain myself..'

Reigen sat awkwardly at his desk sweat dropping with an uncomfortable look sat on his face. "I don't think I was supposed to hear that.." he whispered to himself.

"Ditto" Dimple replied, startling Reigen.

"You really do like to lurk don't you. Its creepy."

"I'm a ghost that's my whole job idiot. But shouldn't we go comfort him?" Dimple motioned to Mob who was now just standing there staring out the window. "Poor kid looks shell-shocked."

"Yeah looks like he needs some good ol' guidance from his master." Reigen stood up and closed his laptop.

"Yeah okay.." Dimple trailed off while he rolled his eyes.

Reigen marched over to Shigeo confidently and put a hand on his shoulder, which he turned around to. "Master..?"

"You look like you need some advice Mob. All down in the dumps like that." He nodded himself along.

"Well I suppose- but I'm not sure right now is a good time, Master."

"What! Ridiculous! My amazing advice applies to all hours of the day."

Mob sweat dropped, "But-"

"OH I GET IT." He yelled way too loudly, dimple plugged his ears. "it's because L/n is here, huhh?" Reigen nudged his shoulder winking at him, expecting his usual flustered response but it just made him look ten times more dejected. "oh not the time, then?"

"That was distasteful Reigen. Geez ain't it obvious the kids conflicted??" Dimple condescended.

Mob remained silent and the two of them looked at him. It was more serious than they thought. "Hey Mob. Why don't you just stop by the office a bit earlier than usual tomorrow? L/n is going home tonight so I can talk to you with no interuptions then?"

"That's - okay thank you Master. I will come tomorrow then." He bowed gratefully to Reigen then looked at Dimple as he grabbed his bag. "you should stay here tonight Dimple."

"Stay here-?" Dimple teared up and grabbed his heart. "Okay kid I'll listen just this once." We all know he listens to him more frequently than that though.

"I'll be headed out now, Master, Dimple." Then he was gone on his way home.

Meanwhile Y/n was packing up the last few things into her bags, sadness and frustration sitting in her heart. ' why all of a sudden? I just can't figure it out!!!!' She slammed the lid to her suitcase down, but immediately regretted it and checked that she didn't break any of the locks before leaning back against the wall of the room. She sat there for a bit, staring at the shadows cast on the ceiling by various objects. ' I just can't shake the feeling that he isn't saying something.. can he not trust me? He doesn't trust me. . .' She began to tear up, but she heard the front door close, and let a tear roll down to her chin before wiping her eyes. "DANGIT! Ugh we have things to do Y/n."

Against the will of her heart, her mind pulled her up, fixed her hair, and grabbed her suitcase. "Mom is waiting for us. If we want to make it home on time we've got to go now."

All Reigen got was a quick goodbye as she rushed out of the door, not wanting him to see her puffy eyes. Dimple decided to tag along with her to see if he could figure out exactly what happened, though.

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