Chapter Seventeen: God-Like Timing

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Third Person POV:

It wasn't long before they arrived in town, and their phones pinged with a text from Reigen. "Oh, Mob it looks like he got a new hotel."

"Yeah the employees at our hotel were pretty mad at him about the cookie thing."

Y/n pulled up Google maps and typed in the name of the hotel he said he was at. Mob looked over and she had a questioning look on her face. "Is something wrong?"

"Well it's just," she moved over and showed her phone to him, "this place has super bad reviews." The comments were all about bugs or weird stains, and occasionally overpricing.

"Maybe it's the wrong place?" Mob sweat dropped, aware that this is exactly the kind of place Master would be hanging around, he probably managed to get in for free as well.

"We should probably go check it out just in case, he's probably been waiting for us for a while."

They headed out and once they got there well... He was not there. They asked the lady at the front desk if she had seen someone like him and confirmed that he did in fact have a room here.

"I'll shoot him a text, it's really late so we should probably get back to our rooms though. You've got your key right?" A million thoughts ran through her head after asking that, in the case that he didn't have his key. Would they share a room? They might get a key from the front desk, but they seemed a bit peeved with Shigeo and friends at the moment.

Unfortunately, Dimple has god-like timing, (much to his disappointment because he's not actually a god), and was there in time to whisper the same just things to Shigeo. Maybe with a bit of embellishment but around the same realm. "Dimple!!" Y/n looked over to the two of them after hearing Mob shout and then seeing him all red.

"Why is that you are only here to mess with us and never when we actually need you??" Y/n questioned.

"I've got a knack for it. Plus if you need me then STOP THROWING ME ACROSS THE CITY."

"If you would stop being a nuisance then I wouldn't have to!!" Y/n argued. Shigeo saw the receptionist getting annoyed and got the two of them to calm down so they could go back to their hotel.

"Have you messaged Master Reigen yet?"

"Oh, yeah he hasn't replied yet so if too long passes then I'll call him. Oh, also you do have that key right?"

"Oh! Uh yeah I've got my key." He looked away awkwardly remembering again the obscenities of Dimple's mind. Y/n silently let out a sigh of relief. This may be a romance fic but let's remember how old they all are here c^:

They got back, and parted ways, Dimple tagging along with Shigeo to his room, as he usually does. Y/n pulled her curtains closed, noting that the clock was at 10:43, much later than she went to bed under her mom's supervision. Pulling herself into her sheets, she started at the ceiling. 'what a chaotic day... Wait. . . I WAS IN MOB'S MIND.' She pulled a stray pillow over her face, to try to keep everything she was feeling from leaving her body in the form of a squeal. 'I mean that's kind of a boundary right?? I mean I certainly wouldn't let just anyone into my head. Okay okay but shawty we've only known this guy for like a few days let's tone it back a bit! But the heart knows what it wants right?' She kept on pushing and pulling the idea of a crush on the Shigeo Kageyama around in her head until she eventually fell asleep.

As for Mob... He didn't even have to think about it because Dimple was doing all the pushing and pulling for him. Pushing, the idea of liking her, a bit more than pulling though. "Dimple, I've only known N/n for so long. She'd probably be creeped out if a guy she just met started doing any of the things you are asking me to do." (Late night messages, mushy poems, and a few more unsavory options as well.)

"Listen kid, if you don't believe me then go ask Reigen. You admire him a lot right? If he says to make a move then will you?"

"I mean- Master is really good with this kind of stuff. I'm not sure if 'making a move' is a good idea though." Shigeo was insistent, he didn't want to ruin this friendship in any way, the two of them had just really starting to get to know each other too! If 'making a move' like Dimple says to would put that growth in jeopardy than it was not an option...

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