Chapter Fifteen: Sleep Chemical

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Third person POV:

' Alright I'm gonna try moving around some of your sensory okay? I'll start with smell so we can ease in?'

Shigeo nodded his head, a bit nervous because this sensation- it was weird having another person in his brain as well. 'Wait a girl is-'

' Mob! Remember I can hear your thoughts!'

'Sorry! Sorry! I didn't- I'll stop I'll stop.'

Y/N sighed, it wasn't really his fault though, what could she expect from him in this increasingly weird situation. Moving around in someone else's brain was always much easier if she could just imagine it as a physical place.

She visualized herself, and then following suit came all the parts of Shigeo's brain. Issue was- she didn't have any way to assign a physical form to such abstract ideas. It was a bit of a fever dream, there were a lot of colors and shapes and weird dimension bending things-

'All I have to do is find his smell. How did I do this with his touch so easily a second ago?' She could feel her psychic energy draining pretty fast so she began walking around, touching everything she saw to check if it was the right one.

Mob hadn't heard from Y/N in a few minutes, and was getting worried. Although he didn't have much time to he worried after the things she was doing in there started to kick in. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, just as quickly as they left followed by waves of various emotions. The cherry on top of the sundae was when she accidentally tapped his sleep-chemical button and he fell over.

About fifteen minutes had passed before she even noticed he was asleep, because of how deep she had gone in, and she could feel her soul getting pulled back to her body.

'the posession is over?'

She got back into her own body, and immediately darted over to the sleeping Shigeo.

"Craaaaap" She hesitantly moved him around a bit to check for any injuries and luckily there was just a bit of dirt. "I really should not do that again, huh. I'm glad he's okay at least. I wonder when he'll wake up?"

She looked up to the sky and the sun had begun to set, and then the worry really hit her. She knew it was going to get really dark really fast and she didn't want him to be in shock when he woke up. 'Am I allowed to..?' She carefully lifted up his head and placed it on her lap, face going red immediately. "Um! No going back I guess!"

She looked down at him with what little light was left, and admired how peaceful he looked. He almost always had the same look on his face, but something about him sleeping just felt different.

Mob's POV:

I felt my conciousness fade back in, and then remembered what I had been doing before this. 'Wait what's so warm...?'

I opened my eyes and wow shocker, saw a bunch of nothing. 'Its so dark.' It almost makes my body want to go right back to sleep.

"Mob-kun?" Huh? Someone is here? "Are you awake?"

I shot up, and with the adjustment of my eyes could see the light outline of N/N. Then I looked down to where I had just been and- her lap?!?

I could feel the blood going to my face and was a bit glad it was so dark, so she couldn't see me. "Wait why is it so dark?"

"Umm I accidentally made you fall asleep and- I'm pretty sure it's about 9 right now?"

Third person POV:

Well he didn't seem mad to at her that was for sure, a part of Y/n though that he would be disgusted when he woke up. But, as soon as his eyes opened she realized just how out-of-character that would have been. "And Mob..?"


"I know the timing is really bad but my phone doesn't have service anymore and I don't know how to get home.." She couldn't get herself to wake him up, so while she waited she played games on her phone and drained the battery.

'This is bad.' Mob thought.

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