Chapter Eighteen: Early Departure

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Third Person POV:

The both of them woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, the stress of yesterday lifted off of them. Mostly.

Y/n checked her phone, realizing she forgot to check it the night before for a response from Reigen, but luckily he had responded with a "You two can't be staying out that late, I know your youth is for adventure but that was scarier than my hotel room." Y/n chuckled, he had opened up a bit more than she had seen before any of this so there was a silver lining. It was blatantly clear he was a scam artist but maybe Shigeo wasn't completely wrong in believing in this guy.

Her thoughts roamed back to the events of last night though, she had used her powers in a way she didn't even know was possible. Mob was really a very strong esper, she hadn't met any others yet but it wouldn't surprise her if he was among the strong ones. While she had her phone out she also snapped a quick picture for her mom and fast good morning message.

Mob woke up thinking about her powers too, it was a weird sensation having two people in the same body, or brain more like. No one he knew had powers like that. (The arc where he gets caught up inside that one girls brain with the other esper hasnt happened yet.) Reigen sent him a text too, only a few minutes ago though. "In light of everything that has happened I think we should pack up early and head back, you guys can train more when we don't have clients after school. This was probably too big of a step for us and the new employee. Please tell her to pack up too."

'oh.. we are already going home.' Shigeo got dressed, quickly packed his things (he didn't bring much), and headed over to Y/n's room. He knocked lightly on the door, not wanting to wake her up if she was still asleep.

Luckily she was awake though, she opened the door with a towel on her head and damp hair. "Oh Mob!" She pulled the towel off of her head and lightly tossed it somewhere behind her. "Did you need something? It's kind of early for training-"

"Oh! Well we will have to train later. Master Reigen says we should pack up and leave earlier than expected because of all the stuff that happened." Mob said reluctantly, because as he expected, he saw her face drop.

"Oh, okay yeah let me get my stuff in order. When are we leaving?" She left the door open and went to pull out her suitcase.

"I haven't asked yet, should I?" Shigeo stayed at the doorway raising his voice a bit so she could hear as she turned out of view.

"Yeah you should. You can come in by the way, yelling will hurt your voice. Unless you need to go pack too, of course." She started packing up stuff like shoes and shampoo first.

"I've already packed." He hesitantly came in, and sat down in a chair by the wall, as she packed, to message Master Reigen. ' I've already packed up, N/n is doing it right now. When are we leaving?' Reigen usually took a few months to respond so Mob clicked his phone of and put it on the coffee table next to him, awkwardly looking around not knowing what to talk about now.

Y/n clicked her suitcase closed, feeling the awkward energy coming from Shigeo. She didn't know why he was so tense but figured she better break the ice early so the ride back wouldn't be completely silent. "Mob-kun?"

"Hm? Oh, did you need something?" He snapped alert.

"Not anything serious I was just wondering about something from last night. While I was- in your brain I guess, how did that.. feel?" She was genuinely curious, even if it was a bit of a weird question.

"How did it feel? Umm. . . Kind of full? I'm not sure how to explain it but your presence crowded every part of my mind, like you were all I could think about." Mob looked up and saw that she was listening closely, relieved he let himself keep talking. "I mean even afterwards, all I could think about was related to you-" He saw dimple floating behind Y/n out of her field of view goading him along. Then he realized what he had just said and looked at Y/n. She was pink, 'oops' he looked away and blushed as well.

"I wonder why- I mean I'm curious why that, um, happened." She was looking away trying to move on. "Maybe it has to do with me poking around in so many uh places..?"

Dimple sighed and dramatically fell backwards in distress, these two had become his hobby. Not much else to do after all.

"Yeah.. maybe.." They had tried to make it less awkward but honestly the complete opposite happened. Conveniently, Mob's phone rang out with a reply from Reigen. "Probably in a few hours after we eat. Most of my stuff is still in my room there so please bring it down to the lobby for me."

"Master says to bring his stuff down so we can go eat breakfast then leave." He stood up, tucking his phone away after a quick confirmation.

"Do you need any help packing all that up? It did seem a bit.. excessive for one person." She dropped her suitcase onto the ground and pulled out the handle for travel. Dimple was pulling all kinds of charades behind her telling Shigeo to say yes.

He looked skeptically at the green ghost but honestly, a little help would be nice. "Yeah, I could really use some help actually. My stuff is all packed already so it's just Master's suits and shoes now I think."

"He packs only suits..?"

"Well he has a few pairs of pajamas too." Mob walked out and lead her to his room.

When they got there it was apparent that everything he said was true, not that anyone didn't believe him though. There were a few suits and more ties than days they would have even been staying there. "Why does he have so many ties??"

"Master says there is an appropriate tie for every occasion. Usually he goes with the pink one he has on right now in the end." Mob showed her how Reigen said the suits had to be carefully folded. For 'creases in all the right places' as he said.

They packed up quickly, and met Reigen in the lobby to load everything into the car. Y/n didn't help a whole lot last time, but she felt like she really should this time. To take a little off of Shigeo's plate. "Let's go get some breakfast then. You can each have two pancakes and an egg." Reigen drove them to a breakfast place, buying himself a serving larger than what the two of them got, but to be fair it was his money.

After eating off they went, Reigen commanding the radio again. This time Mob and Y/n sat together in the back, because they were mid-conversation as they were leaving. "Wait what am I supposed to tell my mom? She thought this was a field trip!"

Reigen leaned back, "just say some kid threw up on the bus or got in a fight, that still works right?"

"I mean maybe? You don't know my mom though, she'll probably see through that or call the school or something." Y/n leaned her head back in frustration and whispered under her breath, "craaaap"


"Yes Mob-kun?"

"I think we have an extra room at the office..."

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