Chapter Thirty-Three: Shock & Awe

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Third person POV:

Y/n carefully combed through Mob's hair with one hand, the other holding a slightly damp cloth to dab away some of the blood. Her gaze followed the trail of blood and she noticed his uniform. "Oh Mob-kun-"


"The collar of your uniform is totally stained... What should we do?" As all of our favorite true crime flics tells us, blood doesn't come out so easy.

"I guess I'll just have to get another one..?"

"That easily?" She questioned.

"Well, Ritsu is in the student council so maybe he can help."

She moved on from the collar and back to finding the exact spot where he was hurt. After shifting some of his hair Y/n noticed him flinch. "Sorry Mob-kun, are you alright?'

"Yes I'm alright, don't worry. Also N/n-chan...?"

"Yes?" She backed up a bit from him so they could see each other. Well in theory, Mob was looking away bashfully though.

"I-If you want- well you can call me by my first name if you're okay with that..?" He looked up to see Y/n just staring at him. He thought he had messed up and upset her until she smiled and nodded.

"Of course! You can call me by my first name too.. Shigeo" She broke eye contact at that last part and went back to helping him. Mob kept his eyes down as she continued to clean and apply antibiotics to his head, while they fell into a comfortable silence for a while.

Y/n broke that silence after wrapping him up a little bit, "This will work for now, but you should go to the hospital. Head wounds are pretty serious and you might have gotten a minor concussion or something like that."

"Ah.. the hospital." He remarked.

"Do you" she paused, "not want to go?" She looked at him in concern.

"It's not that! I just" he sighed, "I'm worried about my parents, I'm sure they'll be really concerned."

"Shigeo, they'll likely find out somehow. It might be kind of nerve wracking but I'm sure they'll worry more if you don't go to the hospital." She put her hand on top of his to comfort him. "Plus, Ritsu might have already told them."

Mob grabbed her hand from on top of his and looked up into her eyes. "Alright I'll go. I have something to tell you once I get back though okay?" Y/n's heart was fluttering out of control at his uncharacteristic forwardness and could only squeak out a short confirmation. Mob stood up, and was now looking down at her, still gripping her hand, "wait for me okay?" With that final thought he let go and she could hear him ask Reigen to drive him to the hospital in the other room. Y/n fanned her hot cheeks standing in shock and awe.

As Mob was sitting on a hospital bed of the general treatment area he noticed a familiar green glow in his peripheral. "Woah, you're looking pretty rough there Shige".

"Uh, yeah". Shigeo's mind was clouded with thoughts of Y/n and what he said to her before he left. "Dimple, how is it that people confess?"

Dimple's eyes widened in shock, "Confess?!" He flew circles around Shigeo's head. "Does this mean you're finally confessing to Y/n?" He smirked.

Mob looked at Dimple with determination in his eyes, "I will." Then his strong gaze faltered, "I'm not exactly sure how to go about it though. . ."

"I say you woo her with some flowers and maybe some chocolates, then you drop the bomb while she's all heart-eyed." Dimple nodded to himself at his perfect plan.

"Oh so he's finally confessing." Reigen interjected as he appeared. "By the way your parents are coming soon, and the nurse is gonna head over to check you out too". Mob nodded silently, a little red from being overheard by Reigen. "Listen Mob" Reigen put his hand on Shigeo's shoulder, "just be genuine and direct and I'm sure things'll go just fine". Reigen removed his hand and pulled Dimple along with him and they left to give Mob and the nurse who had just arrived some room.

. . .

"Luckily it looks like you only need a few stitches, and some antibiotics before we can send you on your way." The nurse explained to him. While his parents and Ritsu who had arrived during the examination breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The nurse left to go get the materials, leaving Mob with his family. He dared not speak a word first, becuase he didn't even know how to explain to them what had happened.

He didn't need to though because Ritsu stepped in, "Please don't be too mad at Brother, really none of this was his fault. He just happened to encounter some dangerous people." His explanation definitely was missing some details, but it wasn't untruthful. His mother sighed and put her hand on Shigeo's arm, making him look up.

"We trust you boys, I'm not angry at you. You just have to promise to be more careful in the future... And don't be afraid to tell us if you get into any trouble." Tears welled up in Shigeo's eyes and he hugged his mother, promising to himself that he would never make her worry so bad about him again. After they calmed down a bit, his mother looked up at him with a small mischievous smirk. "Ritsu also told us that you met a girl?"

Mob blushes then looks at Ritsu and then back at his mother, "umm, well yeah her name is Y/n..."

His mother's eyes brightened in curiosity, "So? Do you like her?"

Shigeo looked at the suspenseful faces of his family members, before holding eye contact with his mother. "I do. I'm going to confess to her tonight."

"*Gasp* Confess?!" His mother responded.

He looked to his father as he said, "Good Luck, Shigeo." And Ritsu just nodded.

Mob smiled then, becuase of all of the people standing behind him. He felt like he had the real confidence to give Y/n a proper confession now.

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