Chapter Four: Sign Here

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Reader POV:

"No I uh- I mean maybe.. lotsa stuff happens 'round this neighborhood afterall."
Blank stares.

Dimple POV:

'This lying sack of sh-'

Mob POV:

'Is this place really that busy?'

Third Person POV:

Y/N was being very suspicious. Dimple had no issue figuring her out but.. Mob and Reigen..

"Well if you remember anything as we investigate don't hesitate to tell me." Reigen just wanted to figure out this girl's skill set. 'she seems pretty competent to me, I mean dealing with Dimple is a challenge in and of itself.'

They proceeded to lead her to the office, if the culprit was still around when they arrived; they sure as heck weren't now. Mob had to try to ignore Dimple and his skeptical mutterings. When they arrived, Reigen was quick to scribble up a make-shift contract for Y/N. "Just sign here, here, and then your initial here."

"Uhh, can I at least read it first?"

"What? Oh- yeah yeah sure read it. Just give it to me when it's all done and signed." Then off he was, probably to go microwave himself some ramen for the fifth time this week. It was Monday.

Y/N sat down at the small coffee table and propped up her feet on the edge of the couch after scooting all the way back. Perfectly comfy. 'now what in the world is in this thing'

Mob sat down next to her peeking over to her and the paper now and again anxiously. Soon enough he noticed that she was completely sucked into Reigen's Vague wording, and fixed his gaze.
He was studying her trying to examine her aura, Teru's was yellow and his was refracting colors. Her's appeared to be F/C, although it was the faintest he has ever seen. 'Why...?'

She finished up reading, and to be honest there was a few sketchy things about how long her employment would last but aside from her newfound powers this was the most interesting thing happening to her.

"Do you know where Reigen went kageyama-kun?"

"Uh he went to the kitchen but I'm not sure you want to go in there-"

"Naaaaaah it's probably fine."

She tromped over to the kitchen and threw open the door, a huge wall of incense and humidity hitting her at once. 'no chance this gives me a headache' she thought sarcastically.

This was where Reigen usually did his massage therapy sessions, which he insisted were exorcisms of course. The entire room had been converted into a 'psychic zone' and even the microwave had a purple slip that went over it to conceal it.

"Yo Blondina?"

"Behind the bead curtain!"

'bead curtain..' she saw it and parted the sea of sparkly plastic to see Reigen sitting in a lone chair in a small cornered area, probably the remains of a break room if he would have had more than one employee.

"My name is Reigen you know. Also known as the shining star of the psychic world."

"I think I'll stick to Blondina for now. Also I filled out your contract thing."

"Great" He took the paper from her hand and rolled it up and proceeded to stuff it into his back pocket. "Now that that is over with you should be probably be heading home young lady."

"Wait what time is it??"

Reigen checked his watch, "7:48?"

She was doomed. Her mother was the worrying type, she didn't know it would take this long to sort things out with these two. "I gotta go now, see you later."

She dashed out of the kitchen, Mob giving her a strange look as she left.
"Where is she going master?"

"Home, I think we kept her too long."

"Oh I should walk her home then, it's not safe this dark."

Dimple chuckled a little bit. "No offense Shigeo but your athletic ability isnt-" Mob ignored him and darted out of the door after her. After all, his mom taught him to be a gentleman.

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