Chapter Eight: Permission Slip

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Third person POV:

They chatted for a bit longer before eventually parting ways again. Back to the boring school stuff for the both of them..

After School...

Mob was waiting by the school gate for Y/N, he wasn't sure if she remembers where the office is; and walking with her to work might be nice. 'oh' He realized, 'I have a new coworker now! What kind of things do you do with coworkers.. or maybe-'

While he was distracted he didn't even notice that she had walked up to him already. 'nice of him to wait, if that is what he's doing? Did he not see me?' She tapped his shoulder and waved her hand in front of his face getting his attention.

"N/n-chan?! Oh sorry I didn't- I was waiting for you-"

"It's alright, let's head out then?"


And off they went, along the way they chatted some more and Y/N pointed out this cute dog someone was walking. 'this kind of feels like a d-' she stopped herself midthought, and pinched her own cheek; to Mob's surprise.

"Are you alright?"

"Huh- oh yeah Im- naah nah don't worry I'm cool as a cucumber" she was embarrassed she got caught. Mob tilted his head a bit but decided it was probably just how she talks.

Once they got to the office the two of them were immediately handed some large sleeping rolls, and weighed down with an unreasonable amount of luggage.

"Umm master what is all this for..?"

"Oh silly Mob! It's for our training camp of course." He winked at Mob trying to make him act as if this was the plan the whole time. He didnt get the signal though.

"Didn't we have a case though Master?"

Reigen got a little anger tick on his head, and leaned in and whispered "listen here Mob, it's customary when you get a new employee to the team to take them on a training camp. And we don't even know about her esper powers yet so it's perfect!"

While Reigen proceeded to convince Mob, Y/N was concerned as to what her mother would say. This was kind of sudden, she just got hired and her weird boss wanted to take them on a trip, this was giving her really mixed feelings. She decided to tune back in though in case there was a silver lining..

"If you really need me to, I can just write up some fake field trip paper your parents can sign." Reigen really wanted this trip to happen, 'I finally can write something up as a business expense..'

The two of them out the sleeping rolls down and waited for the papers to be made in the other room. "Are you alright N/n?"

"I'm not sure if my mom would say yes, or if I even want to go. I barely know our boss too." She was fiddling with her hands feeling conflicted.

"Umm well if it helps N/n- I could I dont know if this is super cheesy but- ya know if it makes you feel better-"

She stopped fiddling with her hands, 'haha cute' she thought nonchalantly. "What is it Mob?"

"Oh! Well I could maybe just keep an eye on you- or like just since me and Reigen go places a lot I could maybe give you advice or-"

"Ppft, that sounds great Mob. That actually does make me feel better thank you."

Dimple was floating around the office smirking at the two of them and swooped in to Mob's ear and whispered, " oh I see Shigeooo seducing the young lady at a romantic getaway~"

Mob shot up, red, "Dimple!!" He glanced at Y/N and then at Dimple and then back at her and then at Dimple, who was grinning even bigger now.

"Whaaaaattt! You're a young man it's only natural with a young la-" Mob grabbed dimple and swung him away.

"What did he say?" Mob looked back over to her and blinked a bunch then sat down.

"No he uh- it was nothing he didn't say anything really- mostly nothing N/n"

She looked at him skeptically, but Mob seemed embarrassed so she left it alone. Almost as if on cue, Reigen walked out and whipped out two forged school field trip papers.

"There we go. With my polished experience in the documentation field, these should work perfectly."

Y/N was still considering it, but Shigeo did say he would help her out- and she did want to learn more about her powers. 'A little lie can't hurt too bad right?'

She headed out, saying she'd be back soon. When she got home she saw her mother cleaning the stovetop. "Hello sweetie, welcome home."

"Hi Mom. Actually I have a permission slip from school they wanted you to sign."

Her mom slid off her yellow rubber gloves, "Oh? Field trip I assume?"

"Uh yeah, but because I was absent last week I didn't get the paper when I had to. The field trip is actually today-"

"Y/N this is awfully sudden isn't it?"

"I- I know but I do really want to go mom. I promise I'll call you when I get there and I'll send pictures and make sure to stay safe and-"

"Alright alright. If you do really want to go I shouldnt stop you from enjoying your youth. But you have to keep me updated all the time alright?"

"Yes! I promise mom thank you!" She gave her mom a big hug, super happy she said yes.

"I'll start filling this out, but you better go hurry and pack up sweetie. You don't want to miss the bus."

She let go and then dashed up the stairs, she didn't know how long they'd be gone. She didn't read that far on the paper. 'Enough stuff for like three days should be fine right?'

She crammed the stuff in, and then dashed back down and gave her mom another quick hug before running out of the house.

When she finally got back to the office, Reigen, Dimple, and Shigeo were all packing their stuff into a rental van Reigen had picked up. When Mob noticed her he waved her over and helped her load up her things as well. 'this is probably gonna be so fun!'

It wasn't long before they all set off. Y/N got her own row of seats, while Mob and Reigen sat in the front.

"Get ready for a fun time you two." Reigen beamed. He wasn't planning on training at all, these two could do whatever the heck they wanted in his eyes. As long as no one got hurt and he could enjoy himself anything was on the table...

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