Chapter Fourteen: Your Thoughts

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Third person POV:

She kept getting closer, their breaths mingling together until..

She sat down next to him, the rock wasn't really meant for two people but it worked. She didn't want to risk falling because her bruises from gym were still kind of tender. She nervously grabbed his hand, and made sure that when her body went limp she wouldn't hurt something.

Mob flinched when she grabbed his hand, she was pulling his heart every which way right now. But before he knew it he heard a soft thump next to him, and he opened his eyes.

His body began to move, hesitantly, on its own. "N/n..?"

"Hi? Shigeo? You can hear me right?"

'what the-'

Before he finished his thought she almost forgot to tell him a really important detail.

"WaitShigeoBeforeYouThink! I can sort of hear everything you think? On the forefront-concious level of your brain anyway."

"Oh." 'So I can just.. think at you?'

"Well that's a silly way to put it, but yes. Also! Do you mind if I use your body to sit myself upright..? I don't want to be super sore when I go back."

'Use-' He stopped his train of thought as fast as he could, 'mhm yup yeah okay go ahead I'm ready.'

Y/n was confused for a moment but dismissed it as Mob being Mob. Before she did move herself though, she did her best to move all of the touch sensory to a part of his brain that she could control it in.

'aaagghh that's too embarrassing to like- I don't know! Just- make him hold me? Not to mention I'm not even there to experience it-'

After sitting herself up, she sat the body back down on the rock. Not really sure what to do now. Glad that the thought-hearing didn't go both ways though.

'so N/n, what kind of training will you, or I guess we do?'

"Uuuuhhmmm" Complete blank slate.

'Do you have any special skills you can do other than just possessing someone?'

That reminded her of what she had just done earlier, moving his sensory around. It was super exhausting but-

"Shigeo you beautiful genius I have the perfect idea now!"


He blushed, and Y/n with lack of a physical form just got embarrassed. She didn't really want to address it though, because for one they didn't have much more time until they would be expected back; and two she didn't want to explore how Shigeo feels because of fear it's not how she feels for him.

"Well uh- anyways yeah I have an idea. It might be a little bit weird and confusing for you so I need to know you trust me enough, I promise I won't do anything to harm you or cross boundaries Shigeo."

'you- yes I trust you N/n'

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