Chapter Sixteen ~How dare you~

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"What?" I asked Noah.

Finally, finally he was going to tell me what was happening. It was bothering me the whole run seeing him like that. He was upset, scared, nervous, he was broken.

"Don't get mad ok?" He said, staring at me. He was serious, I could see the tension in his eyes. He lead me over to a bench and I followed him. I sat next to him and he continued talking.

"I'm dating Victoria."

Oh my god! What! I knew my brother has had a crush on her forever, but I never thought it would be anything more. I was happy for them.

"That's great!" I said.

Noah looked at me confused like there was something I was missing. Then I realized, he had slept with that girl. He had slept with another girl while he was dating someone. And not just any someone, that someone just happened to be one of my best friends. Noah never did stuff like this, but this time. He fucked up big, real big.

"Wait what about this girl?" I said angry flowing through my eyes, I knew he could see it.

"That's my problem." He paused. "I screwed up and I'll never forgive myself."

Noah put his head down into his lap, his hands were on his head. He was upset, real upset. I could tell he was truly sorry for what he had done. It was touching actually. He knew he had screwed up, and he excepted the consequences that came with it.

"Noah..." I said lightly rubbing his back.

"Caitlin...." Noah looked up at me.

I saw the tears coming down his face. He never cried, the only time I saw him cry after he turned 13 was at my grandfathers funeral. He must have really loved Victoria.

"What do I do?" Noah said still crying.

I began to cry also. I didn't even care if people were watching us.

"You need to just do the right thing." I looked at him and he looked at me. "And I think we both know what that is."

"Tell her the truth." He said.

I nodded. I grabbed Noah into a hug wiping away my tears. Noah was still crying, it was truly heart breaking. And all over that stupid bitch.

"Come on let's go get some Fro-yo." I suggested.

Noah laughed and nodded, wiping his tears away.

"Who cares if it -2 degrees out right?" He said.

I laughed. I defiantly didn't care.

We headed to the frozen yogurt shop holding each other's hands. I just couldn't stop thinking, how would Victoria respond? And how would this affect our friendship?

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