Chapter Thirty-One ~Sat there~

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Noah's POV

"Noah?" A female voice said from behind me. I couldn't see her face as my head was face down on the table.

"Yea." I said annoyed.

"I'm here....I thought you'd be happy to see me.." She said. I immediately turned around and realized that the voice I was hearing was Victoria's.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." I said jumping out of my chair hugging her. "I'm just not in the best mood."

"What happened?" She asked.

"'s complicated." I said.

"Oh I see, you being upset about it means your a good brother." She said nudging me in the shoulder. "I can talk to her if you want."

"Thanks so much. You don't know how much I've missed you." I said.

"I bet I've missed you more."

"Nah, I highly doubt that."

"Oh really...." She said winking.

" about we put it to the test." I said also smirking.

Caitlin's POV

The doctor ran into my hospital room frantic, I didn't know what for at first but I figured it out. Dan, they were looking for Dan who had ran straight out of his room without permission to find me. Me of all people me. Wow.

The doctor sighed in relief "there you are Mr. Howell."

Dan nodded, seeming pretty scared for what the doctor was going to reply with.

"Well, you have a blood donor, we need you to stay in your room."

I had totally forgotten how much of an ass I was for running away and leavening Dan to fend for himself when I could have helped. He seemed relieved, almost like he was expecting no one to give him blood, for me not to. I really wanted to also, I just I couldn't deal with anything in that moment. And I will never forgive myself for that, for being selfish when someone needed me the most. It seemed like me and Dan were getting closer, but how long was it before it all came crumbling down, before he hurt me?

Dan looked at me for confirmation that he could leave. I nodded and he jumped up off of the bed. He disappeared into the hallway, and I was by myself again. Sitting in that old hospital room staring out the window at the kids in the garden across the street, and at the nurses walking by with patients in wheelchairs, or the occasional person being rushed by on a stretcher. Thinking over everything, all the things that have happened in the past hours, and where Noah was. I needed to explain myself to him, vent to him tell him how I feel. Like I always have. And most importantly I sat there thinking about Dan, the guy I couldn't get out of my head, the guy that has changed my life for the better in the time span of 6 hours.

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