Chapter 3

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Ch3 - Demon Band Manager
Nowadays, there were more and more people using online streaming platforms. This had quite a big impact on traditional television.

Online streaming platforms had produced various competition shows which did quite well, so as the previous king of ratings, Dongcheng TV station was not to be outdone, and had planned a competition show of its own.

To build hype for ‘Birth of an Idol’, the TV station did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to get big-name artists onto the show as mentors.

Never mind the rest, just the name ‘Ji Xiunian’ would be enough to catch everyone’s attention.

Ji Xiunian had debuted for ten years and was always diligently filming. He rarely participated in variety shows. Rumour had it that the show’s producer was an old friend of his, and had called in a favour to get him on.

The reason why he became a mentor didn’t matter. What was important was that this gave Lu Xu a very good opportunity.

Lu Xu had just been thinking of how he could get close to Ji Xiunian. Now he had an idea—

He would audition for the show. As long as he could get into the program, he would naturally be able to get in touch with Ji Xiunian.

So, the problem he was facing now was how he could audition. From the program description, they were selecting trainees from all over the country. If he wanted to get in, he would need at least an agency to back him up.

Upon thinking of this, Lu Xu immediately phoned HQ. “Hey, boss. I received the task. There’s a small problem. I need support from the organisation.”

The one who was addressed as leader was the head of the Grim Reaper Bureau. He spoke and acted quickly and diligently. Upon hearing Lu Xu’s words, he replied, “Speak.”

Lu Xu described his plan briefly, his finger scrolling through the details in Ji Xiunian’s profile. “I need a management agency to operate, one that works together with Dongcheng TV.”

“Okay.” The other end replied with one word before hanging up the phone.

Lu Xu knew very well what the Head’s personality was like. He raised a hand to rub his chin, his mouth curving up in a smile. This matter was settled.

As predicted, not even a minute after the phone call had ended, the Head sent him a message with an address attached at the bottom. “I contacted the Demon Supervision Office and arranged an agency for you. You can go over to them tomorrow.”

Yao Guai Entertainment.



Before 8 o’clock, Lu Xu had packed his things, put on a baseball cap, and headed out the door.

For the sake of work, Lu Xu had rented a place at Garden Unit within the 2nd Ring Road. Transportation was extremely convenient. The train and bus stations were just downstairs. Under the scorching sun, it was so hot that the greenery on either side of the road had changed colours, and it was busy and bustling all around.

It was unusually hot today.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lu Xu raised his head towards the sky, and he couldn’t help thinking about why.

Llr obbarafqr kfgf delmx jcv iluta jr tf vfrmfcvfv atf rajlgr. Lf ofia j mbbilcu rfcrjalbc bcis ktfc tf fcafgfv atf agjlc rajalbc.

Ca fnfgs lcafgnji lc atf aeccfi, atfgf kjr jc jv bc atf kjii. Cwbcura jii atf jvnfgalrfwfcar, atfgf kfgf fnfc akb ojc reqqbga rlucr. Oe We’r ujhf rkfqa jmgbrr atfw jcv atbeuta atja la wera yf obg jc jgalra ktb pera vfyeafv.

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