Chapter 70

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Ch70 - Cute is Nothing in Front of Sexy

Even if members of the live audience came out and gave their opinions, almost no one was expecting much from Lu Xu’s team performance.

When they thought of the fact that ‘Monster’ was the posthumous work of Zhang Jiamu, many netizens questioned the show’s choice in songs. It coincidentally happened to be the seventh anniversary of Zhang Jiamu’s death the next day. The netizens determined that the show was just doing anything to draw popularity.

The internet was in the state of a tumultuous storm, but the show broadcasted as usual.

“Hello everyone, we are the ‘Little Effort Team’. Today the song we are performing for everyone is ‘Monster’, we hope everyone will like it…”

The lights dimmed, and the world seemed to enter a short period of silence.

When the accompaniment began, the audience couldn’t help but be stunned—

Was this lazy and sexy tone the same ‘Monster’ they were familiar with?

Before they could even think it through, Lu Xu’s voice cut through the shadows. “They all say I’m a god and worship me in the name of love…”

A spotlight came down, illuminating the person singing.

He was like a heavenly spirit, sitting high on a throne. The black suit made his face even paler, black hair, red lips like withered roses – elegant and noble.

Lu Xu stood up gracefully as he sang. The camera zoomed in and gave a close-up of his face. His glittering peach blossom eyes were enchanting and deep. At first glance, he was an elegant deity, using his affection as a trap, enticing you to fall into his carefully woven abyss of ambiguity.

Even though they saw through his lack of affection, the people who had become his prey did not want to escape.

He was too perfect. The rose that had been cast aside was like a hint of merciless abandonment. But even with this, after receiving his invitation, no one wanted to refuse.

With this one glance, Lu Xu was already breathtaking enough. Apart from sighing with emotion from his charm on stage, no one knew how to express their current mood.

The lights on stage came on, and six youths wearing suits began singing ‘Monster’. They wore suits and leather shoes, but the unbuttoned shirt buttons and their irresistible languidness already expressed their ‘scumbag’ persona.

“You’ll love me more, after all I’m an elegant monster…”

When this song came out of their mouths, no one could think that this was peaceful, and no one would question their charm.

Even if they knew that this elegance was just the monster’s facade, no one could resist becoming entranced.

Whether it was the fallen rose petals that lay on their delicate collarbones, or the sliver of waist that was accidentally shown, each and every one of their movements was that enchanting. No one could deny the monster’s charm, because they were, in fact, gods…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktf rbcu mjwf ab jc fcv, joafg j rtbga wbwfca bo rlifcmf, atf rmgfjwlcu mtffgr mjwf bcf joafg jcbatfg, jr lo ab bnfgaegc atf fcalgf rajuf.

Ycilcf, atf aju #OeWeZbcrafg# lwwfvljafis jqqfjgfv, jcv ktfc milmxlcu lcab la, la kjr j ugbeq bo qfbqif mgjhlis tlaalcu mjii jcv rmgfjwlcu.

[@Big Foot Loli Rebecca: Aaaaaaaah, when Little Xu sang I nearly gave birth! How can he be so handsome, if a monster that handsome was really willing to cheat my feelings, then I would thank god every day for fulfilling my dog dreams]

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