Chapter 62

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Ch62 - The Order Has Expired

Ji Xiunian was not a hero. Of course, he also knew the dangers of going into the ocean, but when he saw Lu Xu disappear, his first reaction was to save him.

The earlier he went down there to look for him, the more hope there was.

The ocean waves surged. The power of one person was minuscule. Underneath it was dark all around, and there was only water as far as the eye could see, with no trace of Lu Xu’s figure.

Ji Xiunian tried to dive under, but without any light, it was all in vain. He tried again and again and failed each time.

“Lu Xu will definitely be okay…”

Holding onto that thought, Ji Xiunian soaked in the ocean, fighting against the cold and maintaining a stalemate with the sea.

If it weren’t for his excellent physical fitness, there was no way he could have withstood such heavy physical exertion.

“Nian ge, you’d better come up first.” Lu Xu had disappeared without a trace from the start, and although no one was willing, they all thought that it was just an unfortunate incident.

Seeing Ji Xiunian being tossed in the sea again and again, Jiang Aida’s tears fell.

If possible, she of course wished that Lu Xu was safe, but now that Lu Xu had disappeared, they definitely couldn’t let anything happen to Ji Xiunian.

No matter how much they tried to persuade him, Ji Xiunian was unwilling to stop searching.

If this went on, who could guarantee that nothing would happen to Ji Xiunian?

Jiang Aida wiped away her tears, and grabbed the rope, ready to pull. She said to the staff, “Let’s all take it slow, and get Xiunian up first.”

No matter how unwilling Ji Xiunian was, at least it would be safe up on the boat.

Although it was a tragedy that something had happened to a friend, in the end it could still be accepted after calming down.

Holding on to the thought of guaranteeing Ji Xiunian’s safety, Jiang Aida and the others pulled on the rope together. However, something terrifying happened. The sum of all their strengths was quite a lot but no matter how much they pulled, they couldn’t move Ji Xiunian.

Originally, the rope had had some slack to it. Now some strange force was pulling the rope tight.

“Damn it!”

No one knew who had said that, but they felt that everything happening tonight was all very strange.

When they regained their senses and looked at the ocean surface again, they saw that Ji Xiunian had disappeared. From the time when they had pulled on the rope to Ji Xiunian disappearing, only a short moment had passed.

“What now, hurry and save him!”

“It won’t budge, it’s like there’s something underneath dragging Nian ge down.”

“It’s over it’s over, it’s all over now that something’s happened to the both of them…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Ktf ajea gbqf mbggfrqbcvfv ab atja ragjcuf obgmf bc atf batfg fcv. Snfgsbcf kjr cfgnber jcv rmjgfv, ecmbcrmlberis gfwfwyfglcu atf cjwf bo atlr qijmf––

Gfnli’r Djs.

Al Wlecljc tjvc’a ilrafcfv ab atflg jvnlmf jcv mbcalcefv ab oibja lc atf bmfjc ibbxlcu obg Oe We. Ktf wbgf jczlber tf yfmjwf, atf wbgf tf aglfv ab afii tlwrfio ab mjiw vbkc; wjsyf lo tf tfiv bc ibcufg tf mbeiv rff j rluc bo Oe We.

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