Chapter 11

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Ch11 - Crying Super Loudly
The assistant had followed Fan Zeng to look at the footage, and had been busy scribbling in her notebook the entire time

Upon seeing that Lu Xu had phoned his cat, the assistant then knew that this male god had no family, and she naturally felt her heart ache.

However, before her sad emotions even had time to brew, there came crying noises from behind her.

There was only Fan Zeng and her in the monitoring room. The assistant couldn’t help but look around. The room was empty. There was no one here. Perhaps if the sound had come from further away, she could assure herself that it was the wind, but the crying noise had been right by her ear, as though there was something unseen nearby.

The assistant was so terrified that she froze in place, to the point that she didn’t even dare move her eyes, afraid that she might see something unnatural.

Only when Fan Zeng opened his mouth to talk to her did she finally manage to find her voice and reply, “Fan ge, that wasn’t me…”

Neither of them spoke, but the crying continued.

Somehow, Fan Zeng suddenly thought of the strange occurrences that other people in the team had been talking about. This apartment building had certainly been vacant for a very long time, and it was rumoured that it was due to some supernatural reason. When the station decided on the dormitory, many people advised Fan Zeng to change it. Things like hauntings weren’t a joke, after all.

However, this was the decision made by the station, and as a professional media man, he did not so easily believe in superstition.

He had come here twice before, and never felt that there was something wrong with the building.

However, now that there was someone crying in the room, and it was neither him nor his assistant, who could it be?

The assistant was more or less thinking the same thing as Fan Zeng. She had just graduated and started working, so she didn’t have much courage to begin with. The fact that she could last until now without crying was brave enough.

She thought and thought about it, and finally couldn’t help but ask in a small voice, “Fan ge, are we going to stay here?”

“Come outside and take a look with me. We have to find this prankster.” Once Fan Zeng finished speaking, he stood up, shouting to the assistant that he was going to catch this person.

The two of them didn’t say it, but their bodies were very honest as they moved quickly, not wanting to stay inside for a moment longer.

They managed to escape from the room. The assistant had her back to the room, and she didn’t even dare to turn her head. “Fan ge, what do we do now?”

“Let’s go find security and have them take a look. It’ll be fine with more people looking.”

The two of them flew out of there, as though there was something chasing them from behind.

“Is that okay? Are you sure they’ve been scared off?”

“Definitely, why else would they run?”

At the entrance to the monitoring room, three heads poked out of the doorway like a stack of buddhist statues, watching the retreating figures of Fan Zeng and the assistant.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Po bcf ibbxfv wbgf mibrfis, atfs kbeiv vlrmbnfg atja atf ifur bo atbrf atgff qfbqif kfgf oibjalcu lc atf jlg.

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