Chapter 66

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Ch66 - Nian Ge is Dating?

“Did you guys see the hot search, it’s way too terrifying.”

“I saw it too, I hadn’t thought we had crossed paths with dead bodies. I don’t know if this can be considered lucky or not.”

“I feel like when this week’s episode airs, I bet the internet will explode. Even I feel panicked when I think about this, let alone those netizens with those strong association powers…”

The four in Lu Xu’s group had just left the dorm when they heard quite a few trainees discuss something in low voices in the corridor.

“What are they talking about?” Xu Haoming listened for a while but still couldn’t understand what was going on. Just as he was wondering, Xu Lele came in hot and furious.

“Xu ge Xu ge, did you come across anything strange yesterday?”

It wasn’t a secret that Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian were filming together yesterday. When connected with today’s hot search, Xu Lele could only feel like this event wasn’t that simple.

“I don’t think so.” Lu Xu was used to seeing ghosts and corpses, so it naturally wasn’t anything strange.

Xu Lele saw that his expression was unfazed and unconsciously let out a breath of relief. “Good thing you guys didn’t see. Otherwise, it could have left a huge shadow in your hearts.”

The Xu Haoming at the side became more confused the more he listened. He couldn’t resist urging him to stop hiding the issue. “Say, what strange event happened exactly?”

Xu Lele only then remembered that they didn’t know yet and immediately replied, “It’s that Devil’s Bay from that day. Last night in the middle of the night, corpses started floating up nonstop. I heard it was several tens of bodies and they also floated up intermittently. I don’t know how many they’ll discover in the end. I also heard that they couldn’t find the bodies of the people who had died in that part of the sea before. They can be confirmed now that they’ve floated up, and it can be a comfort to their families.”

With such a huge event going on, Devil’s Bay was naturally now in a closed state.

Also, in order to avoid panic among the citizens, the government had only informed of the general relevant situation and urged the families to claim the bodies of their previously disappeared loved ones.

Many people were discussing Devil’s Bay. They felt that bodies appearing in Devil’s Bay in the middle of the night were of an evil nature, and immediately sent Devil’s Bay to the hot searches.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
It was just that the posts about it after clicking on the search wouldn’t display. After a while, it disappeared from the hot search altogether.

After Xu Lele said this, he also said emotionally, “Good thing Xu ge and Nian ge didn’t come across those corpses. Otherwise I’m afraid they wouldn’t forget it for the rest of their lives…”

“Qtja mjc’a sbe obgufa?” Al Wlecljc tjqqfcfv ab qjrr ys jcv tf mbeivc’a tfiq jrxlcu ktfc tf tfjgv atlr.

“Good morning, Nian ge.” Xu Lele turned around when he heard the movement. When he saw that it was Ji Xiunian, he immediately shut his mouth before repeating what he had just said earlier. “So that’s why I said you and Xu ge were very lucky and didn’t see corpses or anything else in the ocean. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to forget it for the rest of your lives.”

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