Chapter 43

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Ch43 - Sexy Master, Turning Around Online
This was the second time Lu Xu had come to Ji Xiunian’s room, it was just that the first time had been to look for Ba Mei, and the second time was to stay over.

Seeing that some of his clothes had been drenched, Ji Xiunian rifled through his closet and found a set of clothes for him. “I haven’t worn this before. You can put this on first.” He then remembered that Lu Xu had to shower, and went to the cloakroom to find a bathrobe for Lu Xu, then urged him to go take a hot shower.

“Thank you, Nian ge.” Lu Xu liked cleanliness. The wet clothes sticking to his body didn’t feel comfortable. He wasn’t as polite as Ji Xiunian and dragged Ba Mei to the bathroom.

While Lu Xu showered, Ji Xiunian sat in his room. It was clean and there wasn’t anything to tidy up. It was just that he was used to living on his own. Now that there was suddenly another person in the room, Ji Xiunian felt that he had to do something.

He got up and took out some milk from the fridge to warm it up, preparing a glass of warm milk for Lu Xu.

Then he went to find some canned snacks, and even poured out a bit of cat food, thinking that Ba Mei could eat some more later.

The pillow and quilt were a complete set, so there was no need to go and specially prepare it.

After he changed into his pyjamas and tidied up the room, he heard Lu Xu call his name from the bathroom. “Nian ge, can you come over and help me with something?”

“Coming.” Ji Xiunian walked to the bathroom and opened the door.

Not only did Lu Xu have a youthful face, he also had a slender and beautiful figure. He wasn’t considered muscular, but his abs were beautiful and his waist was thin, his shoulders broad.

Ji Xiunian always knew that Lu Xu was pale, but he hadn’t expected him to look so dazzling under the steam, every muscle was as beautiful as he was.

It had to be said that Lu Xu had excellent genetics. He was skinny with clothes on and well-built without. Ji Xiunian couldn’t help but think that if Lu Xu wanted to use his figure as a selling point some time, it was highly likely that the fans would go crazy on the spot.

“Nian ge, I haven’t showered yet. Can you help me blow-dry Ba Mei first?”

As Lu Xu said that, he passed over a little kitty wrapped firmly in a bath towel. Other than its head, its entire body was wet.


Facing Ba Mei’s little watery eyes, Ji Xiunian unconsciously carried it out to the sofa.

Ji Xiunian didn’t have any experience in taking care of cats. He could only try to figure it out.

It was good that Ba Mei was a good and intelligent kitty. It sat there obediently the whole time without moving, letting Ji Xiunian use the blow dryer to dry its entire body.

The wet fur clung to Ba Mei’s body, quite clearly showing that its body was very stocky.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Snfgsbcf firf’r mja kjr yjrlmjiis qrfevb-oja. Ycmf atfs uba kfa, la kbeiv fzqbrf atflg rxlccs ybvlfr. Ycis Dj Zfl’r mteyylcfrr kjr atf gfji atlcu, lar ybvs gbaecv klatbea jcs rtglcxlcu.

Al Wlecljc rjk atlr kfa, oja bgjcuf mja aegc lcab j rboa jcv oieoos xlaas, jcv ofia jc lcfzqilmjyif rfcrf bo rjalrojmalbc.

At some point, he even thought that if he could always take care of Ba Mei, how happy that would be.

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