Chapter 39

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Ch39 - Obviously a Fake
Thunder roared and lightning flashed above the apartment building. A storm was obviously brewing.

In the long corridor, five people and four ghosts were gathered together. At first glance, it seemed like they were about to perform some strange ceremony.

Lai Chengshan, who was seated on the floor, was chanting. Along with the thunder from outside the window, it really seemed as though he did have some skills.

The F4 also thought the same and were even considering whether they should go and look for Lu Xu to ask for help, afraid that this person really could exorcise ghosts. However, even the ghosts felt tired hearing him chant, and their bodies didn’t have a single bit of reaction to it. It seemed that he was no different from the fake heavenly masters from before.

Ji Xiunian naturally also watched the F4’s reaction, and he couldn’t help but be even more doubtful of Lai Chengshan now.

He had the urge to ask him some questions, but Lai Chengshan was still there in his own world of exorcism ceremonies. He couldn’t be sure of whether he was a fake or not, so Ji Xiunian could only endure it, and wait for him to finish before asking.

Fan Zeng and the little assistant were seeing a scene like this for the first time, half dubious and half believing. But with the atmosphere and the fact that Lai Chengshan had the aura of a celebrity, the two of them slowly started to believe that he really could exorcise ghosts.

After five minutes had passed, Lai Chengshan finally opened his eyes.

He raised a hand to mop off the sweat on his forehead, and let out a long sigh as he slowly stood up.

Fan Zeng had been quietly standing to the side the whole time, afraid that he would interrupt this skilled person’s exorcism ceremony. Seeing him stand up, he naturally couldn’t hold back from immediately rushing forward and asking, “Master Lai, how is it, have they been sent away?”

Lai Chengshan was in no hurry to reply; he instead described the story of how he had overcome the difficult enemy. “Don’t you know, those few ghosts were abnormally ferocious. Their resentment was deep and they had stayed for too long, they almost swallowed my soul. Luckily, I’m very skilled, otherwise something really bad would have happened…”

Once the F4 heard this, they were done.

There were only the four of them residing in this apartment. By saying all this, wasn’t Lai Chengshan wronging the ghosts right to their faces?

“Rubbish, a mouth full of lies, since when were we ferocious?”

“This clearly shows that you’re touching porcelain, is he trying to falsely accuse ghosts?”

“No, I don’t think I can stand this wrongful accusation, I even want to show him what ‘ferocious’ really is…”

“Brother, calm down, we’re civilised ghosts, we can’t do those kinds of illegal things…”

When Lu Xu heard this Master Lai running his mouth, he just felt like laughing. He only thought about it, and really did end up laughing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
There were very few people speaking in the corridor, and because of this, Lu Xu’s laugh was even more obvious.

Lai Chengshan had just played up the atmosphere and talked about his hardships in ridding the ghosts. However, what awaited him was not salutations and thanks, but Lu Xu’s hearty laughter. He once again looked at the young man whose lips were curved up and laughing at him, his eyes clearly carrying hilarity in them. “I think Master’s surname shouldn’t be Lai but Jia.”

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