Chapter 68

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Ch68 - Netherworld 101

Ji Xiunian’s current mood was complicated beyond utterance.

He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop on the F4’s discussion and had merely happened to pass by. But he hadn’t thought even in his wildest dreams that he would hear about Lan Gaojie’s death here.

“So, Lan Gaojie really died?”

The F4 looked at each other. The other three silently took a step back, leaving He Xinghua as the one closest to Ji Xiunian.

My geges have pitted me!

Although He Xinghua thought this, it wasn’t easy to avoid the conversation.

He turned back to look at the other three with a slightly wronged expression, then moved his mouth and said quietly, “This isn’t a classified secret so I should be able to tell the truth, right?”

“You should be able to. It’s not a false rumour.”

Although they said this, the other three refused to come forward and completely entrusted He Xinghua to explain to Ji Xiunian by himself.

Facing Ji Xiunian’s clear-sighted gaze, He Xinghua inexplicably felt a little guilty and immediately told everything he knew to Ji Xiunian. “He did die, that’s correct. Didn’t he faint after that public performance that day? He passed away not long after going home.”

“How did you guys find out ah, was it still because those ghost friends told you guys?”

“They really have met with Lan Gaojie in the underworld, but we already knew that he didn’t have much lifespan left even beforehand…”

“En?” Ji Xiunian couldn’t help being curious and couldn’t resist asking, “How did you guys find out?”

“We deciphered from the details.” When He Xinghua said this, he couldn’t resist straightening up and saying with a bit of pride, “I felt like there wasn’t something right about him from the first time I met him…”

“Yes yes, his entire body carried a kind of death energy.” When the other three heard this they immediately came forward, babbling to Ji Xiunian about their discoveries.

“Right, and he could also see us. It was just after the second week of recording that he started being able to see us.” Tao Yingbo entered with the main point. “What kind of people can see ghosts? Other than mediums, they’re all mostly people on the brink of death.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Nian ge, you actually don’t know, near the end he was followed by death energy; it looked so sinister from a distance…”

Al Wlecljc ilrafcfv ab atfw rqfjx jcv bcis ofia atja tf tjv bqfcfv eq j kbgiv tf tjv cfnfg mgbrrfv yfobgf.

Qtfc tf tfjgv vfjat fcfgus wfcalbcfv, tf jeabwjalmjiis atbeuta bo atf yijmx fcfgus bc Ojc Xjbplf yfobgf. Coafg j ofk wbwfcar bo mbcoilma, Al Wlecljc ralii fcvfv eq jrxlcu, “Pr atf vfjat fcfgus sbe uesr jgf ajixlcu jybea atf xlcv atja’r yijmx jcv obuus?”

“It is. Wait a moment, Nian ge, how did you know that?”

Ji Xiunian didn’t speak, his emotions extremely complicated.

He hadn’t known before that the black-coloured fog surrounding Lan Gaojie had been death energy; he had even suspected that his own vision had issues. Even though he had had a vague premonition at that time, Ji Xiunian had been subconsciously denying it, telling himself that definitely nothing would happen.

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