Chapter 20

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Ch20 - There’s Always a Ghost More Diligent Than the Human

At 5:30 in the morning, the large dance studio was dark and completely empty.

Han Tianyu fearfully asked his teammates if they had heard the sound of music just now, and he stood frozen at the doorway, not daring to enter.

Xu Haoming pursed his lips and nodded his head, his expression heavy. Han Tianyu was not the only one who had heard the music, and the situation in front of him reminded him of when the power and water supply got cut out, back when they first entered this apartment.

“What music? Maybe it’s just conditioning from practising too many times.” Song Zhe found an excuse that seemed to make sense and was trying to persuade the others as well as himself.

Even if it was a conditioned reaction, that didn’t explain group hallucinations.

Xu Haoming thought about this in his head, but didn’t say it out loud. He unconsciously looked towards Lu Xu. Because of what happened last time, it was as if this boy was his pill of reassurance, even if he was only 18 years old.

“Morning, Master Lu Xu!”

“Good morning, Master!”

The F4 who had been busy practising had quickly stopped their movements when they heard people approaching and greeted Lu Xu formally.

Lu Xu tilted his head and smiled, then squeezed through the door past Han Tianyu to turn on the lights, and also didn’t forget to turn on the music. “All right, there are still four hours left until the evaluation test. We should make full use of our time and practise again.”

Han Tianyu tossed his fear to the back of his mind, and rushed into the dance studio to warm up  his body. “Aaaaa, put on the music, I want to go through it a couple more times.”

Xu Haoming said in understanding , “Don’t rush us, didn’t Xu ge already go to put it on?”

Song Zhe laughed and shook his head. They felt that compared to seeing ghosts, the re-evaluations were way scarier.

As A-rank members, if they were demoted in the second round of evaluations, it would be very embarrassing. The one who danced the best would have the chance to be in the center position for the theme song’s MV. Who wouldn’t want to be that lucky person chosen out of the hundred people?

There were many people who wanted to bring their A-game. Lu Xu and the others had only practised the dance twice before the sounds of movement and chatter came in from outside. It was clear that everyone placed a lot of importance on this re-evaluation, just that what  level or standard they were at would only be determined at the end.

“Look at you kids, dancing yourselves into all sorts of states.” In the director’s office, Fan Zeng said to the four instructors as he sat in front of the monitors, watching the hundred trainees passionately practising in their dance studios.

Three days was not a long amount of time, but it was enough for a boy group member to prepare a dance.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Aera ilxf tbk atf agjlcffr’ rajcvjgvr jcv qfgrbcjilalfr kfgf vloofgfca, atf offilcur atfs ygbeuta bea ktfc vjcmlcu kfgf vloofgfca jr kfii, cba ab wfcalbc atbrf agjlcffr ktb tjv yffc wfrrlcu jgbecv ogbw atf rajga, ktlmt wfjca atja atfgf kfgf atbrf ktb kfgf ijhs veglcu atf qgjmalrf alwf jr kfii.

C ofk bo atf vjcmf raevlbr kfgf vlrqijsfv abufatfg bc atf rmgffc. Fqbc uijcmlcu ja la, atfgf kjr j mtjbalm offilcu ab jii atf ugbeqr’ vjcmlcu.

Qin Kewei watched the screen without blinking. “Fan ge, don’t speak too soon. I saw some in C-rank and D-rank who dance pretty well. This battle of the ranks is fierce just by thinking about it.”

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