Chapter 17

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Ch17 - Good Morning, Master Lu Xu

Ji Xiunian knew his memory was fairly excellent; he would at least have an impression of anyone he had met before.

But other than Lu Xu, everyone in this group of five standing in front of him was unfamiliar, so he had asked the question.

It was just after he spoke that the four people behind Lu Xu became shocked.

“Geges, he’s asking us, right?”

“Seems like it…”

“Oh my god, Ji Xiunian can see us!”

Ji Xiunian had already thought there was something weird about these people. Now he was even more convinced that something was wrong.

What did they mean by ‘he can see us’? A group of four big people was standing in front of him; it would have been strange if he couldn’t see them.

Wait a moment…

Ji Xiunian’s gaze landed on the F4 again, and his sense of dissonance grew stronger—

It was terribly hot in Dongcheng right now. Many of the trainees walked around shirtless. When he looked at the four people in front of him again, their long sleeves and long pants looked so hot, but none of them were sweating.

Looking down, he could only see Lu Xu’s shadow on the ground. Not only did the other four not have shadows, their feet weren’t even touching the ground.

Normal people wouldn’t not have shadows, normal people also couldn’t overpower gravity to float mid-air…

An answer called out. Ji Xiunian suddenly felt his breathing become heavier, his scalp becoming numb.

The apartment F4’s reaction wasn’t much better than his; they were huddled together, shuddering.

This was the first time they had been seen by a human in all the years they had been ghosts. They didn’t know whether to escape or silence the perpetuator.

Ji Xiunian was a little confused, but he forced himself to calm down. Although this wasn’t the first time he had seen something strange, four of them at once was a little unacceptable.

After he managed to shift his gaze away from the four “people”, Ji Xiunian couldn’t help but ask Lu Xu, “What’s your… relationship with them?”

Starting from when he had run into Ji Xiunian, Lu Xu had been watching his reaction with interest.

It was clear that Ji Xiunian, was entering a state of shock after suddenly coming face to face with the ghosts. He obviously wasn’t used to this sort of situation.

Lu Xu more or less made an internal judgement. He heard Ji Xiunian asking the question, and changed his expression into one of confusion. “Ah? Nian ge, who are you talking about? And I’m in A-rank, you know that…”

The boy in front of him had an extremely confused look on his face, obviously not understanding what Ji Xiunian had meant. Those four “people” were standing right behind him, but he hadn’t noticed them in the slightest.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Al Wlecljc atfc gfjilrfv atja Oe We mbeivc’a rff atbrf ragjcuf atlcur, jcv yfmjwf delfa.

“Nian ge, are you all right?” Lu Xu’s tone was concerned, like a warm-hearted, caring junior.

“Rbatlcu, P wlrecvfgrabbv rbwfatlcu, la tjr cbatlcu ab vb klat sbe.” Al Wlecljc aglfv tlr yfra cba ab ibbx ja atbrf obeg atlcur, jcv tf vlvc’a kjca ab rmjgf Oe We flatfg, rb tf vlvc’a rjs jcsatlcu.

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