Chapter 16

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Ch16 - I Know the Answer to This

Dance was something that truly tested the comprehensive abilities of a person.

Just memorizing moves did not mean one could dance well; the key was having a feel for the dance.

A-rank’s progress was the fastest compared to the other ranks. Five of the seven were almost at the skill of a professional boyband. Lu Xu and Chai Siyuan, who had relied on their singing to enter A-rank, were lagging behind.

After a few hours, the dance instructor finished teaching them the movements. The evaluation in three days would completely depend on how the trainees handled their performances.

“It’s too hard, I might as well give up.” Chai Siyuan sat on the floor of the dance practice room, so tired he was gasping for breath. Even though he usually worked out, dancing for this long had used up a lot of his physical strength.

Forget about him, even the BTT members who had been rehearsing dances for years were sweating all over and had to stop for a rest.

In the practice room, only Lu Xu continued to listen to the music and familiarise himself with the moves. Although he couldn’t dance as well as Song Zhe and the others, his rate of improvement was visible even to the naked eye.

Chai Siyuan opened a bottle of water and took a few gulps. He weakly asked Lu Xu, “You’ve already practiced for 7 or 8 hours, aren’t you tired?”

Lu Xu handsomely turned around in a circle and looked over to his side, his body gracefully light. He took off his headphones and smiled at Chai Siyuan, responding honestly, “I’m okay, I’m not tired.”

After he said this, the others stared at Lu Xu, their eyes full of doubt.

They had been dancing from morning until now with barely any rest. Even an extremely physically fit young adult would be exhausted by this amount of exercise.

“Even if you want to improve, you shouldn’t force yourself. It’ll be troublesome if you overexert yourself.”

“Right, it’s really not good to force yourself.”

The other two BTT members were not familiar with Lu Xu and only thought this person was pushing himself too hard for the sake of screentime.

Song Zhe thought for a moment, then also advised Lu Xu, “It’s better to take it step by step. If you’re tired you should rest.”

“Thanks.” Lu Xu raised the corners of his mouth slightly. After he thanked Song Zhe and the others for their goodwill, he continued practicing his movements.

Lu Xu danced all the way into the evening.

Everyone discovered at this time that his stamina was really very good.

Lu Xu was nearing ten hours of practice. He should have been exhausted a long time ago, but  after this strenuous practice, instead of becoming slower, his movements became more and more fluid.

He was already good-looking with excellent body proportions. Now that he had learned how to dance along with the music, he looked like a proper boy group candidate.

The people who had previously thought Lu Xu was just trying to show off had refreshed their worldviews and discovered the new limits of the human body.

“I can’t, I really can’t, I can’t move anymore.” Although Han Tianyu and the others had not admitted it out loud, they had secretly laughed and wanted to compete with Lu Xu to show him the capabilities of his seniors.

But after this day was over, they had discovered that Lu Xu was not at all a didi.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Chai Siyuan had hoped Lu Xu would accompany him in being a rookie, yet he realised now that he was the only newbie there.

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