Chapter 5

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Ch5 - I’m His Fan

“Fan ge, Mr. Bai has arrived.”

“Mn.” Fan Zeng made a noise of acknowledgement, but his mind was still completely on that xiao gege from the subway station. He thought for a moment, then instructed his assistant. “You, keep an eye on this boy’s movements. If there are other shows, we can still look for him.”

The little assistant had liked this boy from the start, and she immediately nodded her head. “Fan ge, I’ll keep up with the activity online. We never know when… Oh my god, speak of the devil!”

The voice of the assistant beside him suddenly increased in pitch. Fan Zeng frowned. “So jumpy, what devil are you talking about…” He followed the assistant’s gaze and turned his head. The rest of his words were swallowed back down—

The boy walking by Bai Ze’s side, wasn’t that the online xiao gege from the subway station?

Bai Ze was tall and he stood upright. When he saw that Fan Zeng’s gaze was unabashedly on Lu Xu, he raised a brow. “Fan ge, I brought the newbie for the interview.”

“Hello, Fan ge.” Lu Xu naturally nodded at Fan Zeng in greeting. Polite, but not overly familiar.

“Hello, hello.” Fan Zeng looked at Lu Xu and smiled. He was feeling great.

Lu Xu’s looks in the video were very beautiful. Fan Zeng originally thought that he was just photogenic. He never would have thought that he would be even more outstanding in person. It was probably due to the shock from seeing it in real life. Based on a single glance, Fan Zeng thought that he had to get this boy to stay.

Lu Xu and Bai Ze were both of tall stature, and their looks were the best of the best in terms of attractiveness. Even if it was just standing by the side at a subway station, everyone’s gaze would unwittingly be drawn to them.

With so many people in the corridor, it was not a convenient place to talk. Fan Zeng warmly invited them to his meeting room to discuss things.

“Aaaaaaa, it really is the subway station xiao gege!”

“Yes, yes!”

The two young assistants were beside themselves with excitement. They never would have thought they would be able to see this newfound male god so quickly in person.

“So he’s the newbie from Yao Guai Entertainment.”

“Didn’t I say that such a good-looking person couldn’t be a random stranger!”

Fan Zeng’s attitude showed that he clearly liked this xiao gege. His entry into the competition was already guaranteed.

If one were to look at the video on Mouyin again, after such a short time, the number of likes on the post had already reached 2 million. It was such a simple video, yet it could gain so much attention. It was proof that this boy’s looks were no joke.

Now, a lot of people were clamouring to find this ‘xiao gege from the subway station’. When the production team announced the news of the collaboration, the internet would surely explode.

Being popular before even debuting, some people’s lives were just meant for fame!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc atf wffalcu gbbw, Mjc Ifcu xfqa uijcmlcu ja Oe We wjcs alwfr. Ktf wbgf tf ibbxfv, atf wbgf rjalrolfv tf kjr.

“Oe We, sbe’gf bcis 18 sfjgr biv. Cgf sbe ralii raevslcu?”

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