Chapter 15

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Ch15 - Picture for the Memories
Out of all the trainees, Lu Xu had left the deepest impression on Ji Xiunian.

It wasn’t because he was his fan, but because Lu Xu’s conditions were too good. From his outer appearance to his temperament, Lu Xu was covered in dignity from head to toe. A man with such a confident aura would become the focal point no matter where he went. 

Having heard him call his name, Ji Xiunian unconsciously halted his steps. He didn’t like interacting with others very much, but he still politely asked as he faced Lu Xu, “Is there anything wrong?”

Lu Xu had only called for Ji Xiunian to stop in order to get closer to his target.

As he faced the man who might be a stowaway, Lu Xu’s heart felt much more energetic. He hid  his excitement under half-lidded eyes, reminding himself that he was currently hiding under the identity of Ji Xiunian’s fan. He smiled and walked up to him. “Nian ge, can I take a picture with you?”

Lu Xu spoke with a faint smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with an inner starlight. It was obviously an unconcealable elation from seeing a ‘client’, but others interpreted it differently. 

Since Lu Xu was a publicly recognised contestant in the show, Fan Zeng had given special instructions to the VJ to spend more time focusing on him in case he caught a scene they could edit into the show. Seeing that Lu Xu was taking a photo with Ji Xiunian, the VJ stood at the side with dedication, recording the scene with his camera.

The VJ had filmed many celebrity entertainers, but still couldn’t help but think emotionally: what kind of celestial beings were Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian that they didn’t need extra lighting or any adjustment for the right angles? The two of them were just casually standing and it already looked like a pictorial. Twice the number of handsome men brought about twice the attractiveness.

Ji Xiunian hadn’t thought Lu Xu would follow him to ask for a photo together, but this kind of behaviour was normal for fans.

The youth did not hide his enthusiasm. Ji Xiunian nodded. “Of course we can.”

Lu Xu stepped forward, about to take his phone out when he suddenly remembered something. “Nian ge, the program staff took our phones away. Can we take the picture with your phone first and then can you send it to me?”

He wanted to add each other as friends.

Ji Xiunian’s relationships with others were simple; he didn’t have many people in his contacts.

But Lu Xu had no other options, so he nodded generously. “Sure.” 

The corners of Lu Xu’s mouth rose up, obviously in a good mood.

Seeing that the two of them were standing together for a photo, the VJ immediately went to the side to record the moment.

He focused the camera lens on Ji Xiunian’s phone, filming his quick movements as he tapped open the camera app and invited Lu Xu to take a picture together.

The two people on the screen stood a safe distance apart, neither too distant nor close enough to pressure the other party. Ji Xiunian was born attractive and didn’t have any flaws from any angle. Any man or woman who stood in the same frame as him was easily washed out by his presence. 

Because of this, Ji Xiunian also had the nickname of ‘Group Photo Killer’. But today, as he stood in the same frame as Lu Xu, although each of them had their own merits, their looks somehow harmonised. Even the selfie taken on the phone turned out to be very eye-catching.

The VJ looked at the camera screen and then looked at the two of them, only feeling that Fan Zeng had an excellent eye for choosing people.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
As Ji Xiunian raised his phone up to take the photo, Lu Xu looked at the camera and quirked his lips, but his gaze drifted over to the black mark on Ji Xiunian’s wrist.

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