Chapter 21

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Ch21 - A-rank, Congrats

“Welcome to the second evaluation site of ‘Birth of an Idol’, I am your emcee Liang Da…”

Liang Da stood in front of the camera in a suit, an obvious contrast to the trainees wearing casual clothing behind him.

The four mentors were already seated, and they only needed to wait for the trainees to perform.

Chai Siyuan had drawn the first performance and almost started crying when his name was called.

“Brothers, I’ll be going first.” He waved bitterly at his classmates in A-rank, preparing himself for his upcoming evaluation.

It was probably because he was nervous about being the first to perform. Along with the fact that his dance skills were quite weak, Chai Siyuan made a mistake the moment he started—his movements didn’t follow the music at the beginning, resulting in him chasing after the rhythm during the first half of the song. Disregarding the off-beat dancing, the overall performance seemed to have a few problems as well.

“Ha…” Chai Siyuan let out a long sigh after finishing his performance, his mood somewhat depressed. Having danced like this, he knew he was going to be demoted without the mentors saying anything.

As the dance instructor, Qing Kewei glanced at the grading form on the table and asked, “Chai Siyuan, your first rating was A-rank, right?”

“Right.” Chai Siyuan pursed his lips, evidently a little agitated.

Qin Kewei asked again, “Do you think your performance today makes you qualified to remain in A-rank?”

“No, my performance today wasn’t good.” Chai Siyuan raised his hand and touched his ear, attempting to explain. “I’m not very coordinated but I practiced pretty well these days. I can dance better, just that I didn’t catch the music at the beginning…”

“You might dance better if we gave you a second chance, but this is a competition. There are no second chances.” As Gu Wenan spoke, he didn’t forget to look at the other trainees. This was clearly a message for everyone present.

A competition was a competition. People only saw the results on stage. No one would take notice of what you did in private.

Chai Siyuan understood this philosophy and simply waited for his ranking to be announced.

The four mentors below discussed with one another, finally Ji Xiunian announced the result. “Siyuan, your second evaluation ranking is C. Please work harder in the future.”

The moment the ranking was announced, the trainees all became nervous—

“Oh my god, A-rank to C-rank. This is too cruel.”

“To be honest I think Chai Siyuan danced pretty well. If he’s in C-rank, then I’ll just go sit in F-rank.”

“The mentors are so strict today, I don’t know who will get A-rank.”

“Chu Zhengqing should get A-rank, he’s been dancing for so many years.”

Chai Siyuan took off his A-rank tag and went over to the C-rank seats to wait for and to watch the next performances. Although he was the first person to be demoted from A-rank, he wasn’t very flustered. Dancing was not his forte; he could just flip the tables later on in the competition.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
The second person to go on stage was a trainee in F-rank.

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