Chapter 74

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Ch74 - Are You Okay?

Noon. The sun blazed in the sky.

Hot days in Dongcheng carried a stifling humidity. Even if one only went outside for a walk, one would feel like barbeque meat on a grill.

In this kind of weather, very few people would choose outdoor activities. No matter what street, the presence of people was a rarity. But there were always more people and cars in front of the hospital, from the start to the end of the street.

The person in the car was bored, looking in all directions. He coincidentally noticed the ‘Life’s End Service Terminal’ on the corner of the street. It had to be said that funeral stores were quite interesting nowadays; this name was quite innovative.

As he thought about this, he suddenly saw someone push open the door and walk inside.

The man could only feel that this handsome face with curly hair and almost perfect body proportions was very familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, he realised, wasn’t that the trainee his girlfriend told him to vote for every day?

He immediately sent a message to his girlfriend, saying that he had seen Lu Xu at the entrance of a store.

“Don’t be dumb, our son Xu is still in a closed-door training camp. He’s too busy training so he can’t come out, okay?”

Hai, she actually didn’t believe him.

“Why would I trick you, I really did see him. Wait for a moment for me, I’ll go confirm it for you.” The man’s stubbornness rose and he rushed towards ‘Life’s End Service Terminal’ the moment he got out of the car.

He just wanted to get an autograph for his girlfriend after seeing Lu Xu; it wasn’t a big deal if he recognised the wrong person.

But when he pulled open the entrance of ‘Life’s End Service Terminal’, he discovered that there was actually no one inside. The small doorway was stuffed with yellow talismans, flower wreaths, and various other funeral items. The inside was filled with the scent of incense.

Although it was the afternoon, the lighting inside the room at the door seemed rather strange.

“Is anyone here?” The man called out in question, but there was absolutely no response. One could see the entirety of the little room at a glance, how could there be any people?

“Weird.” The man couldn’t help but frown. He had clearly seen that person walk in. There was only this door, and he didn’t see him walk out.

He really had seen ghosts.

As soon as this thought surfaced, the man’s spirit was struck by a quick blow. A funeral shop near a hospital seemed like a frequent scene in horror novels.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Cr tf atbeuta jybea atlr, tlr fzqgfrrlbc yfmjwf wbgf jcv wbgf mbwqifz jr tf gfagfjafv. Lf ofia ragjcuf jr lo tf tjv fcmbecafgfv rbwfatlcu ecmifjc, jcv mbwqifafis obguba atf ojma atja tf tjv rffc Oe We fjgilfg.

Oe We, ktb tjv jgglnfv jcv ifoa lc j teggs, cjaegjiis tjv cb lvfj rbwfbcf tjv mbwf ab olcv tlw.

He was originally in the dorm rooms getting ready for the recording of the fourth episode, when he suddenly received a call from the Grim Reaper Bureau’s Anti-Corruption Investigation Team.

“Your colleague Xie An is suspected of being involved in a stowaway case. We would like to know if you are involved in it. If there is a summons, we hope you will cooperate with the investigation…”

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