Chapter 55

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Ch55 - Another Order
cw: attempted suicide

In West Street’s garden room number 603, Lan Gaojie lay upon the balcony rocking chair by himself, two barrels of petrol by his feet.

A few hours ago, he had been glowing as he stood on stage, burning through his own lifeforce to release his charm. But who would have thought that not even six hours later, his body had aged so much and that the light in the lamp was about to flicker out.

“Ke ke…” Lan Gaojie began coughing heavily and could only feel that even his lungs were hurting. His breathing was ragged and he subconsciously looked towards the dining room. A Buddhist amulet was placed on the table; it was something he had specially invited back when he had gone abroad.

He didn’t recall when it started. He had realised that facing the amulet and praying would change things. He was originally just a fresh face, but after he made a wish, he became magnanimous and attractive. It was just that after every time he made a wish, his body would inexplicably become much weaker, so Lan Gaojie didn’t dare make wishes too frequently at the start.

Lan Gaojie’s dream since childhood was to become someone who glowed on stage. Up until now, he had been working hard to achieve this dream.

But just having a dream wasn’t enough.

His looks were merely average and he didn’t have much talent. Even though he had squeezed into the pool of potential BTT members through family connections, he had been abandoned for failing to meet the standards.

Sometimes, Lan Gaojie had thought of giving up, but when he saw BTT onstage, he couldn’t accept it. He always felt uncomfortable.

That night, Buddha entered his dream and told him he could wish for whatever he wanted as long as he sacrificed himself. The decision was completely within his hands and he could stop whenever he wanted to.

With his mind full of the scene of himself standing on stage in front of millions of worshipping fans, Lan Gaojie’s heart was moved in the end.

In the moment he had signed the contract with the Buddha amulet, he had believed he could stop when he wanted to. He hadn’t thought that once many things had occurred they would spiral out of his control.

His eyes were blinded by his desire; from the moment he tasted sweetness, Lan Gaojie began making wishes nonstop. Occasionally he would want to stop because his body felt too unwell, but in the moment he stopped, all the things he had wished for would vanish into thin air. How could he let go after tasting fame and wealth? Thus, he continued day by day, until all was lost.

When he woke up in the ambulance, Lan Gaojie accidentally saw his aged face.

He had finally gotten more popular online after much difficulty. He was unable to accept showing this kind of appearance in front of others. Once he ran away from the hospital, he announced his withdrawal from the competition.

He had no way to explain his current appearance to others, and he couldn’t think of any way his fans would still want to support him after seeing his face.

Instead of scaring them off from being fans due to his face, he might as well leave behind a beautiful memory instead.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“I don’t have anything left to give you, so you should come with me.” The once compassionate Buddhist amulet that seemed to pity all of humankind now had a strange smile that left chills upon others.

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