Eyeless Jack||Creepypasta

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{This is my own interpretation of what is commonly known as EJ's backstory}

 It took me a while to accept my best friend had died, after all he had been gone for, what? 2 years now? I blocked it all from memory, especially after people's kidneys started to get stolen right from their bodies as they slept not long after. By now I had long dropped out of medical school, instead continuing my childhood education certification from high school. After Jack disappeared I had gotten most of his things due to how far away his family lived, and how close we were. I wore his clothes more than I wore my own at that point. After I had accepted he was gone it had already been a year, with no trace of the man anywhere. Today was actually the anniversary of his disappearance, and once I had gotten home from my classes, I had noticed there was an envelope stuck to my door.

 It was odd since I had lived in an apartment building on campus, however I shrugged it off, taking the letter inside. After putting all of my things down, I decided to open the letter. The handwriting was familiar to you but in a foreign way, the letters were oddly spaced yet in a neat way.

 "Dear [Y/N],
We both know how I'm far better at doctor's notes than writing letters, however I'm writing this to you anyways. It's been a while since we've last talked, and I'm sure you'll hate me for finally saying something after these past couple years. I'd hate me too, trust me. Meet me on the roof at 10pm, just like we used to at your house. 
 Sincerely, your favorite, Jack."

 I had stopped where the signature was, tears filling my eyes. Jack? I had a hard time believing it to be true, yet they hadn't ever found his body, and nobody but the two of us knew we'd climb onto my roof to hang out when we were younger.

 "I swear if this is some sick joke..." I softly spoke, folding the letter and putting it in the pocket of one of Jack's old hoodies I had been wearing, quickly taking a glance at the time. "9:48pm..." I said with a sigh. 

I then walked across my small apartment towards the fire escape window, opening it and climbing out onto the rusty metal platform. Thankful I was only 2 floors down from the roof, I went up the stairs as they creaked, taking deep breaths every time I reached a new platform. Looking up I saw the latter to the roof, I took one final breath and climbed up. Looking around I saw nobody, so I walked further around, until I stopped from a hand on my shoulder.

 "Don't turn around just yet." His voice rang through my ears as I tried to look back, it only took me seconds to recognize Jack's voice, even if it had a few changes. He sounded afraid. "I know what you're going to see isn't going to look like you remember, I promise you it's me, [N/N]." He spoke softly, and I nodded. "Okay, you can turn now." He said, pulling his hand off of my shoulder.

 Once I turned my eyes scanned over his form, immediately noticing the blue mask on his face, black liquid oozing from the eye holes. This startled me, yet I didn't back away from him. His black hoodie hid the rest of him from me, yet I could see his grey skin and tufts of brown hair sticking out. It took me a moment to take it all in and realize this is the reason he's been gone for 2 years.

 "What happened to you?" My voice was soft with my question, tears filled my eyes yet I refused to let them fall.

 "It's a long story, [Y/N], I don't think you want to hear it." Jack spoke.

 "Like hell I do Jack, you think I'll be scared of you if you tell me?" I asked, yet his silence spoke volumes. "Jack, my love for you is unconditional." I told him, reaching for his hand. 

 Jack froze at my words- shit. He then reached for his mask, sliding it up which took his hood down with it. It was at this moment I realized his eyes were gone, just pitch black sockets from which that black substance came from.

 "Are you sure?" With his question I saw his teeth, which had all become sharp.

 I then reached to place my hand on the side of his face, which he leaned into. His skin was cold as ice.

 "Positive." I whispered, to which he then placed his hand on mine.

 "[Y/N], I was a cult sacrifice. They killed me by pouring burning hot tar in my eyes, and the next thing I knew I had been over one of their dead bodies eating their kidney. I wasn't the same, and I knew I never would be again." He explained.

 "You're the one sneaking into houses and stealing kidneys?" I asked, to which he nodded. "You eat them?" He also nodded to that one, looking off in the distance. I then turned his head to face me, "I love you, I always have and I always will Jack." I told him.

 "I love you too [Y/N]." He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead.


haha look what fandom dragged me back finally! It's been a while, hasn't it? I don't know if anyone here remembers or knows of me being in the creepypasta/marble hornets fandom way back in 2019 and late 2018, but i'm back! My friends and boyfriend aren't enjoying it but i sure am. It really is nice to be back. Anyway, thanks for reading! Sincerely, Elliot.

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