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On the scorched Agri-word, once full of life, Trinity Prime was a key planet in the imperium's supply chain. Often in charge of supplying the various Astra Militarum regiments within the sector with rations and other key resources . This was until recently it had been discovered the a chaos cult had infiltrated the planet and began tainting the imperial rations with the cultists own body parts. The Adeptus Administratum outraged and disgusted by this heretical behaviour despatched the closest combat ready regiment in the sector to eradicate the cultists and the Agri-world planetary government for their failure and uprising of their planet. The regiment who answered the call are no other the the Death Korps of Krieg.

It has been a long and gruelling engagement between the cultists and the Death Korps of Krieg. The cultists had put up more resistance then they initially thought. The Causalities have been high on both sides. Luckily the Death Korps of Krieg had something the cultists could never have, unbreakable faith in the god Emperor and a continuous supply reinforcements. This have been a war of attrition and finally the Men of Krieg have the upper hand. They have broken through the cultists defensive line and now advancing towards their last stronghold.

The thundering flashes of earthshaker batteries of the elements 212th Artillery Regiment can be seen been and heard for miles consistently shelling the cultists fortified position as the Death Korps of Krieg slowly advanced. Leading the advance was Major 274-9 often referred as "Major Saxon" of the 186th Death Korps Infantry Regiment, veteran of the attack of Hieronymous City. Saxon stood on the metallic deck of the Gorgon armoured assault transport, which lumbered towards the heretics front lines, heavy stubber, autogun and las rounds effortlessly pinged of the transports heavy armour. He was standing in front of Fifty Kreigmen, lasguns slung over the shoulders, standing motionless in rows ready to deal the Emperors justice. A Death Korps of Krieg Commissar stood next Saxon surveying the men for any sign of them faltering. His hand resting on his holstered las pistol.

Suddenly the  a light on the side of the Gorgon turns red. "We must be close now" Thought Saxon as he turns towards his men. "Commissar inspire the men! battle is upon us" bellowed Saxon, "very well major it would be my pleasure" the Commissar said in a muffled voice "Men of Krieg! Hear me, Repeat after me. In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement. Look at the Kreigmen beside you if he falls, do not weep for him for his faith was not sufficient.Rejoice for yourselves, for your faith is bottomless! Forward, for the Emperor!" The Kreigmen in unison yelled in admiration "Uraaaaaaaa for the Emperor!" they all make sign of the aquila across their chests. "Silence!" The commissar bellowed. Suddenly the transport fell silent, the sounds of Battle and heavy respirator breathing was the only thing that can be heard. The transport became very tense as the commissar unholstered his las pistol, Saxon stiffens at the sight but does not move. The Commissar approaches the first line of Kriegmen composing of one squad of ten men who stood at attention. The Commissar stands in front of one particular Kreigmen. Saxon stares at the soldier through his gas masks lenses unsure what is happening. The sounds of gunfire are getting closer, cries of heretics can be heard shouting heretical insults. Saxon does not care he's focused on what the Commissar is doing. The Commissar looks at the Kreigmen "Trooper 346-9 why did you not make the sign of the aquila, do you not have faith in the Emperor?" The Commissar says inquisitively. Tighten the grip on his las pistol. Tension rises in the transport, no one dares to move, Saxon steps towards the confrontation. Kriegmen 346-9 stands motionless "Sorry...Commissar I do have faith sir! For the Emperor! I just..." the Commissar cuts him off "Hmm I find you lack of faith troubling 346-9" as the Commissar begins to raise his las pistol to exercise his judgment. Saxon steps in between them "Commissar don't you agree no better why to demonstrate 346-9's faith then to fight and die in the service of the emperor" The Commissar looks at the major and then to the Kreigmen, his gasmak covering all signs of emotion. For a moment the was silence, Major Saxon held his breath...But then the Commissar spins round simultaneously holstering his las pistol "Excellent idea Major, he and his squad while be first inline to charge the heretics in the Emperors name".

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