Day 3-The Abyss

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Saxon didn't know how long he had been out, the sounds of battle have died down, dust filled the air impairing his vision, his thoughts clouded . The lights flicked in the corridor, rubble covered the floor with exposed wires that sparked as they swung from the ceiling. Saxon waited until his head stopped spinning before getting up, he stood gathering his thoughts. The explosion had caused a portion of the the corridor they came from to collapse cutting them off from the rest of the platoon "the only way is down" he muttered to himself as he picked up his las pistol. Then reality hit. "Static!" He yelled barely able to speak his name. Saxon hobbled to where Static was last, using the wall to support him. The others were crowded around him, Saxon was the last to arrive, pushing his way through till he reached the front...

All that remained of the Hunter was scorched chunks of flesh with flecks of orange. It was barely recognisable. To think such a hulking beast could be reduced to mere chunks of meat. A few feet away was the final resting place of Kriegsmen 146-7, Static, Vox operator. Saxon sunk to his knees, unable to process the loss of one of his most loyal men. Only Statics upper torso remained intact, his limbs evaporated from from the blast leaving only blackened numbs behind, his skin cracked and bloodied with his mask partly melted onto his face revealing a small smirk upon his lips. Saxon held Statics Dog tags in his hands, staring at them intensely. "We need to keep mov-" Havoc shot the UNSC scientist a look that shook the scientist to the core, she fell silent after that. Saxon closed his fist around Statics dog tags. His whole body began to shake, he slammed his fist into wall causing the plating to crack, the whole squad flinched  in shock, everyone stepped back except the Commissar who still stood by his side. "Stand up" She whispered, wiping a tear from her eye. "Stand up Saxon!" She yelled. Saxon froze as he felt a barrel muzzle pressed firmly up against his helmet, he looked up at the Commissar pointing her bolt pistol at him. The Commissar could only see Saxons eyes through his mask, they were wide and bloodshot through his cracked lenses. "If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line." She hissed "Static did his duty, he died in the Emperors name will you sit there in self pity and watch every thing he fought for be crushed? No? I didn't think so You're the Death Korps of Krieg, Saxon. We never retreat. We fight and we die, that's the Krieg way. Now Stand up Major!". Saxon spurred on by her words, slowly got to his feet not before taking Statics Vox caster a placing it under the deceased Kriegsmen arm. He straightened up, readjusted his overcoat and mask before turning to the Commissar "I'm sorry ma'am, I lost myself there it won't happen again" he saluted. "It's alright Saxon, we're only human but we must press on, use your hate, control it, wield it as a weapon to smite your enemies pay for what they did. Fight as though our chances are zero because they might as well be. Tell the men to move out Saxon"

Saxon stood in front of of his remaining command squad consisting of the UNSC Scientist, Corporal Griffin, Heavy, Havoc. The Commissar stood off to the side fiddling with her respirator. Cut off from the rest of the platoon they came with due to the explosion. A group of outcasts, bloodied and broken stood in mourning over their fallen comrades. "Alright! We kept these Xeno's waiting long enough. At first this fight was for survival but now it's personal. Follow me to victory or to death! For Static! For Sarge! For the Emperor!". Saxon picked up a MA5C ICWS and pushed it into the scientists hands "everyone in my outfit fights even you". Saxon and the Commissar shared a look before charging down the corridor pushing their way to the command room. The next two hours was a burr of las and plasma fire, countless covenant bodies fell before the command squad as they breached and cleared countless corridors and rooms. They fought like the god Emperor himself guided their path. The command squad waded through a puddle of Xeno's blood and bodies as they made their way to their objective. As they enter another room, which looks like some kind of storeroom. An Elite plummeted from a catwalk above hitting the ground with a roar, startling the group, they raised their weapons instinctively. Scorch's head peers over the railing staring down out them "Ahh Major, I see you met my new friend, sorry for that he dropped in unannounced. I'll be down in a minute" he says in a smooth tone to them. Scorch opened his backpack and removed some rope which he then used to repel down to the others. Once he had safely reached the ground Saxon walked up to him "Status report of your platoon Scorch", "wasted Major, they tore straight through us, those Hunters are something else, hey where's Static by the way?" Saxon didn't answer. "Oh. I see..he was a good soldier, permission to fall in". "Granted" Saxon said while Scorch placed his hand on Saxon's shoulder. They continued their conquest until they reached a large elevator which lead to the command centre. Whatever was waiting for them down there wether it be their salvation or their death. The Death Korps Krieg will meet it with Las fire and a prayer to the Emperor upon their lips.

Authors Note
Hi everyone,
Sorry this part took so long I've been really busy recently and haven't had the motivation to type anything. I just wanted to thank you for your support and feedback. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story. See you at the next part

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