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Stood before Saxon and his squad was the entrance of the command room, a large metal door blocking their way. For all they have lost and suffered, the end was finally in their grasp. Saxon clenched his fist at the thought of this. "Open it" Saxon said to the UNSC Scientist. The male scientist rushed past and opened up a access point and began pulling wires out. A few minutes go by, the squad took this time to rest for a brief moment. Havoc stood guard watching the corridor as Heavy re-chambered his heavy Stubber's ammo belt. The Commissar tapped her foot, impatiently peering over the Scientist. Scorch flicked a detonator safety switch on and off while leaning against a wall. Saxon sat on top of a Brutes corpse holding his cracked ribs, breathing heavily which caught the Commissars attention. "Saxon, are you alright?" She asked worriedly. "Just a little banged up ma'am, still ready to serve in his name" he replied through gritted teeth. The Commissar stopped her tapping and approached Saxon "Corporal Griffin, provide aid to the Major, Saxon i order you not to resist" she ordered.

Corporal Griffin began to examine the Major, which proved difficult since he refused to remove his mask or any of his clothes, Saxon did unbutton his trench coat slightly allowing Griffin to put his hand on his ribs. Saxon winced in pain, his breathing becoming erratic and sharp. Griffin hastily withdrew his hand, now covered in blood and pulled out his med pack. "Jesus Christ! How are you still standing?" He exclaimed before plunging a shot of morphine into Saxons leg. "Corporal?" The Commissar asked now becoming visibly concerned. Griffin began rummaging through his medical kit "He's got a small puncture wound with part of his rib protruding out of it" Griffin spoke quickly and clearly "we need to stop the-" "Covenant!" Havoc yelled as his began firing down the Corridor. Swarms of grunts began charging down the corridor, some of them not even equipped with weapons. A Brute stood behind them with a Gravity Hammer yelling at them the advance backed up with four Jackals with shields who shot any grunts who disobeyed. "Get this door open now!" The Commissar yelled, blowing a golf ball sized hole out of a grunt with her bolt pistol. Saxon hurried to to his feet unholstering his two las pistols. The corridor offered little cover except for small pillars that lined the side of the walls. The Squad took cover as the Covenant advanced while firing into the horde, with Scorch shielding the scientist as he continued to work. "Almost got it!" The scientist said trembling "There!" The door shot open, Scorch hurriedly breached the Command room shotgun raised. "Heavy and I will hold them, you go!" Havoc yelled between shots. Saxon and the Commissar began slowly backing into the command room, firing as they moved. "Griffin go we'll cover you!" Saxon yelled. Just as Griffin moved towards the door a loud screech echoed from its hinges before slamming down cutting the command squad off from each other. "No!" Saxon yelled banging his hand against the door "get this door open, Now!". The scientist went pale as he accessed the terminal "I can't Major, someone or something has activated a failsafe, this encryption is nothing I've seen before!". Muffled gunfire can still be heard through the door as Heavy, Havoc and Griffin fought on. A faint voice could be heard "we'll hold them as long as we can, uphold the objective sir!" Before a deafening boom shook the door. Saxon closed his eyes as he rested on the door. Saxon suddenly spun round realising he was in the command room spun round las pistols raised. The room was empty, nothing could be heard except a strange mechanical humming, as countless wires and terminals littered the room running up into a central containment orb suspended above the room, which bathed everything in a blue glow. The orb itself was a Decahedron that floated inside a chamber. prongs were protruding from its points sparks emitted from these nodes to connection nodes. Saxon couldn't even begin to fathom how the machine worked. Everyone stood in awe of the machine before the Commissar spoke breaking the silence "yes, yes it is quite impressive, we're hear for a reason remember" she gestured to the scientist, using her bolt pistol to point at the central command terminal. Saxon, Scorch clear this room I don't want any unwelcome guests lurking in the shadows" the pair saluted before beginning a sweep of the room.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Griffin's slammed his rifle butt against the door "give it a rest Griffin" Heavy snarled , he stood atop a mountain of corpses, his Heavy stubbers barrel smoking. "We have to prepare for the next wave, that brute will be back soon" Havoc said while dragging some dead grunts over to their position. Griffin reluctantly stopped "what are you even doing Havoc?" "well I'm trying to fortify our position but someone is too busy hitting a door" he snapped back "now help me build a barricade out of these corpses". Griffin could have sworn he sensed a smile through his mask.

Within a few minutes they had built a makeshift barricade out of dead grunts with firing positions for each of them with heavy in the centre laying prone with his stubber, with his bullet belt completely emptied from his ruck. Griffin and Havoc on his flanks using the pillars as cover and grunts as Parapets. The atmosphere was tense, they were cornered and low on ammo. Havoc piped up "Saxon is normally the one that does the speeches, so I'll just say this every minute we deny them, is another minute our comrades have to reach the imperium. Griffin you may not be from Krieg but your definitely made for the Korps, son". Griffin clocked his gun and levelled it towards the corridor, he nodded summoning all his courage "guess it wasn't just  a pretty name after all, We never retreat. We fight and we die, that's the Krieg way." He quietly repeated to himself. Heavy chuckled "someone's being listening to Sarge too much". Suddenly a load roar echoed from down the corridor "here they come!" Heavy yelled pulling back his charging handle for his stubber. From the corridor came a plethora of Covenant. Jackals and grunts lead the charge, as a squad of elites followed and finally a contingent of brutes including the commander with his gravity hammer. For a second they all froze at the slight or their comrades stacked up into a barricade before Heavy lit them up unleashing a hailstorm of bullets tearing through the front ranks. While firing he yelled a prayer between each squeeze of the trigger "I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it. I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it. I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst. I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death. I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am." It didn't matter how many they killed the covenant continued to advance. They had reached about halfway down the corridor before Havoc began lobbing grenades at them, halting them briefly. "Last one" he yelled tossing his last Krak Grenade, taking out an elite and any grunt unlucky to be standing near it.  It was impossible to tell how many enemies they had slain. The room began to fill with gun smoke and dust. "I hate last stands, there's never time to practise them!" Havoc yelled as he took the head of a brute. The three soldiers fought like demons, Griffins assault rifle was the first to run out of ammo before switching to his magnum and his combat knife. "Last belt" Heavy yelled, his stubbers barrel now glowing red. Havoc fixed his bayonet to his long las before continuing to fire. Soon the covenant would be upon them, they had torn through everything they had been thrown at them. But then Click. Click. Click. Heavy's stubber had finally ran out. He pulled out his entrenching shovel. They got into couching positions ready to pounce on the first thing the came over their barricade. They all shared one last look with each other and nodded "remember every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retreat. With our backs to the wall, and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end. For Krieg! For Arcadia! For the Emperor!" Havoc yelled as they waited for the enemy.

Hey guys got a sudden burst of motivation and decided to finish this chapter hope you like it! See you in the next one! -Datguy

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