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The Captain greeted the Commissar and the Major warmly "Commissar Blazkowicz a pleasure to make your acquaintance I'm Captain Konrad Kenway and this beautiful lady is the Dauntless" he runs his hand along his holomap fondly as he spoke "I see you and Major Saxon are acquainted, we're really to jump on your command Commissar". The Commissar nodded in anticipation, Captain Kenway turns to the navigator. The pilot who can gaze into the Warp and guide the ship around the hazards who had been integrated into Dauntless' systems. "Take us away navigator, raise the Gellar field and make the jump, Emperor protects!" The whole command deck repeats the prayer as the ships whirrs to life, pistons hiss, systems flash and energy hums around the ship as a crack in space and time opens up and engulfs the Dauntless as it enters the warp.

Within minutes of entering the warp the Dauntless begins to shake violently. Everyone on the command deck looks at each other with uneasy. Suddenly the space around fractures and distorts, the navigator begins to convulse and scream in pain, trying to break free of his constraints. "Navigator report! What in the throne is happening to my ship!" The Captain orders. The navigator unable to answer begins foaming from the mouth unable to answer as his body begins to shift unnaturally like a thin mirror like outline splinters from his body. The Command decks consoles begin to flash, error signs pop up and disappear frantically. Sirens begin to wail. The Captain now pale and disturbed by the sights he is witnessing turns to his Command staff "Disengage the warp drive, shut it down if you have to!" His voice almost breaking. Before the Captain could intervene the Commissar unholstered her bolt pistol and shot the navigator in the head, his head exploding from the impact. For a second Saxon felt as though time slowed down as the ship shudders to a halt, the hull staining under the immense stress, flashes of lights began appearing all around the ship. Suddenly time resumed, Saxon was thrown forwards hitting his head on the holomap with a loud bang. Everything went black.

As Saxon slowly regains conscious his vision blurred, his ears ringing. He begins to get up trying to gather his composure. A warm sensation runs down the side of his face. He didn't care, he looked around the command deck as his vision focusing. The command deck was bathed in a red flashing red, a siren wailed, bodies of crewmen were sprawled about the desk, some whimpered as they held broken limbs, others unmoving. The Captain and the Commissar were stood yelling at each other pointing at the now limp corpse of the navigator. The Captain stormed away when the Commissar reaches for her bolt pistol. Saxon approached the pair, the Commissar looked at the dazed Kriegsmen "Ahh Major glad you finally decided joined us, as you can see I dispatched the heretical Navigator and saved the ship!" She beamed. Saxon stared at the Commissar carefully choosing his words before answering "Yes Commissar I can see that...but maybe...we should have waited until we came out of the warp before executing him?" The Commissar expression quickly soured as she ponders what Saxon had said. She goes to answer but gets cut off by another siren as an alert appears on on the main display. "Captain! Anomaly detected on the port side. Proximity alert, unidentified vessel on a collision course. Impact imminent". As the crewmen speaks a rupture in space and time opens up, a large purple metallic ship emerges. Before the command crew could react the ship collides with the Dauntless tearing through its upper decks, breaching multiple decks and exposing countless souls to the cold void killing them instantly. Saxon and everyone else on the command deck held on for dear life as the other ship tore through the Dauntless. Saxon couldn't help but think about his men as he prays for the Emperors protection.

The unknown vessel continues its path unfazed by the destruction it has caused. The Dauntless drifted in space, crippled and defenceless. Power was out all across the ship, emergency lighting dimly lit the ship. Loose wires hung from the rafters sparking uncontrollably, bodies littered the hallways while fires engulfed potions of the ships, as crew members and voidsmen frantically stumble about trying to put out the fires and repair necessary systems. A red light blinks slowly and ominously in the command deck. The Captain stood in shock at the state of his ship, his face completely drained in colour. "Captain!" The Commissar shouted trying to grab his attention "Captain what are your orders!" Captain Kenway snapped back to reality and began barking orders to to his subordinates quickly trying to manage the situation "Seal the emergency bulkheads, send servitors to repair any leaks in the hull and for Emperors sake someone's shut that alarm off!" The crew began carrying out his orders to the letter "Archmagos damage report! What is the status of my ship!" The intercom crackles to life as the ships Archmagos speaks in a robotic tone "the machine spirit is in pain Captian...Shields are down, weapons systems inoperable. All propulsion systems are down. Attempting to bring power back online please standby." "Thank you Archmagos, do what you can" the Captain says through gritted teeth. He runs his hand through his hair once more to regain his composure. He straightens his uniform and dusts off his shoulder pads before speaking "Astropath send a message To command report on out situation and request reinforcements" he points to a crewman "You there, where are we and where's the enemy relay it to my holomap". The astropath now with pained expression on his face stutters "Sir I can't get through its like something is blocking me, almost like a cloud around this place". Captain Kenway swears under his breath "Where in the Emperors name are we?".

The holomap suddenly turns on as well as the ships lighting. Power has been restored. Saxon sighs in relief as he watches everything unfold waiting patiently for his orders. Saxon with the Captain and the Commissar approach the holomap currently displaying the whereabouts for their ship. The Dauntless crippled and wounded was close to a large planet that dwarfed the ship entirely. Around the planet was a ring of debris that acted as armour to the harsh elements of space such as the large red giant the was the planets sun with three moons orbiting the planet. The large unidentified vessel was heading straight towards the planet and began entering its upper atmosphere. The Commissar leans closer to the holomap examining the situation they find themselves in "Hmm this planet doesn't appear in any imperial databanks and I've never seen a vessel like that, definitely xeno origin." She pauses, her eyes narrow "wait a minute that's no natural debris field... those are ships" "it's a graveyard" Saxon said in agreement. The holomap displayed thousands of wreckages littering the orbit of the planet, ships of all different shapes and sizes all of unknown origins caught in the planets gravitational pull. The Captain weighed up his options before issuing his next commands carefully "Major Saxon, take your platoon and recon the planet. Find out exactly what we're up against while I get my ship combat ready and find whoever did this to my ship and introduce them to the Emperors divine justice". Saxon saluted "understood Sir! I'll be underway immediately, after evaluating my regiment of course" The Captain nods. As Saxon goes to leave the Commissar stops him "Major Saxon I will join you in this endeavour to recon our enemy" Saxon saluted once more "Of course Commissar" The Commissar shares a looks with the Captain before they both leave the Command deck and briskly make there way to the flight deck.

After walking through the labyrinth of walkways and corridors filled with wreckage and and crewmen scurrying about repairing the ship. The pair reached the flight deck to see it in disarray. Large support columns and catwalks had fallen on a variety of vehicles of the Death Korps of Krieg entombing them in a layer of rubble. Kreigmen and Enginseer's scramble to unbury them. Kreigmen lay on the floor clutching broken limbs, small first aid centre was set up in the corner of the flight deck for those with serious injuries. Saxon clenched his fist when he saw what has happened to his beloved regiment. Suddenly Sarge runs up to Saxon and the Commissar saluting as he stopped in front of them "Sarge status report" Saxon demanded "fifty-seven wounded, 2 critically. The 15th armoured was the worst hit, majority of our tanks and transports are currently damaged or buried by the impact. Our Valkyries are in better shape then we thought. However even then only five are fully operational. What are our orders Sir?" Saxon nods along as he second in command spoke. After he finished Saxon relaid his orders "Sarge assemble alpha platoon, our orders are to make planetfall and recon the planet and identify our enemy." Sarge being satisfied by the orders salutes and turns around, he begins shouting commands as Kriegmen begin to line up in formation. A Valkyrie begins taxing itself onto an airlock preparing to depart. Alpha platoon consisting of twenty Kreigmen and Saxons personal command squad began to board the Valkyrie. Saxon and the Commissar were the last to board as they readied themselves for their first mission in this unknown environment and the first time going into battle together. Saxon was as calm as ever but noticed the Commissars hand slightly shaking. Saxon reached over and hands the Commissar a Respirator in a gentle fashion before saying "just in case there are toxins in the air Commissar I would encourage you to wear this,for your safety" the Commissar takes the respirator while gently brushing Saxons hand purposely "Thank you Saxon" she says with a slight smile. The Valkyrie ramp closes as it prepares to depart bathing the soldiers in a dim red light. The Valkyrie enters the cold dark void of space cautiously making its way to the planet occasionally, sending out a probe to scan the graveyard of ship's surroundings the planet.

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